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Vitae of Volodymyr O. Byelobrov

IRE NASU, vul. Proskury 12, Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Tel: +380-57-720-3782 (office)
E-mail: volodia.byelobrov[at]
Date & Place of Birth: 11.10.1983, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2018+ Scientist, LMNO, IRE NASU, Kharkiv
2017 Ph.D. degree in Radio Physics, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NASU
2015/04-2016/05 On leave for military service, Lieutenant, Air Force of Ukraine
2013+ Junior scientist and part-time Ph.D. student, LMNO, IRE NASU, Kharkiv
2010-2012 Research engineer and part-time Ph.D. student, LMNO, IRE NASU, Kharkiv
2006-09 Ph.D. student in Radio Physics and research engineer (part time), IRE NASU, Kharkiv
2005-06 Research engineer, Institute of Metrology, Kharkiv
2001-05 Student in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. M.S. degree

Ph.D.: Electromagnetic fields and lasing thresholds of periodic resonators of dielectric, metallic and quantum nanowires in layered medium Supervisor: Prof. A.I. Nosich
M.S.: Almost periodic functions; Supervisor: Prof. S.V. Favorov

Scattering of Waves by Gratings, Analytical Regularization, Eigenvalue Problems, Lasing, Distributed Bragg Reflectors, Nanowires and Quantum Wires, Modelling of VCSELs

2014 Travel grant of EuMA for attending the int'l conference MIKON-2014 in Gdansk
Researcher Mobility Grant of ESF RNP "Plasmon-Bionanosense" for collaboration with the University of Nottingham, UK (Prof. T.M. Benson)
2013 Travel grant of USARFEC-A for attending the int. conference CAOL-2013 in Sudak
2012 Travel grant of EuMA for attending the European Conf. on Microwave Integrated Circuits (EuMIC-2012) in Amsterdam
Travel grant of IEEE R-8 VCF for attending the int'l conference ICTON-2012 in Coventry
2011-2012 Researcher Mobility Grant of ESF RNP "Newfocus" for collaboration with the University of Nottingham, UK (Prof. T.M. Benson)
2011 Travel grant of EuMA for attending the European Microwave Conference (EuMC-2011) in Manchester
Travel grant of OSA for attending int'l student conference IONS-10 in Southampton
Travel grant of COST for attending the int'l conference ICTON-2011 in Stockholm
2009-10 IVF Ph.D. Scholarship, for the work on the project, "Lasing modes in a dielectric slab microresonator with a periodic active region," in colaboration with IPE ASCR, Czech Republic (Prof. J. Ctyroky)
Young Scientist Scholarship of the President of Ukraine
2008 Travel grant of ONRG for attending the int. conference CAOL-2008 in Alushta
Young Scientist Award of the URSI for attending the URSI General Assembly in Chicago
2007 IEEE APS Graduate Student Fellowship Award, for the work on the project, "Electromagnetic analysis of natural modes in distrubuted-Bragg-reflector resonators containing active regions"
Travel grant of the German Physics Society for attending the 386 Heraeus Seminar on Computational Nanophotonics in Bad Honnef
2006-09 Scholarship from NASU
2001-05 Scholarships from the Kharkiv National University

2018 Secretary of MMET*2018 int'l conference, Kyiv
2016 Volunteer work at MMET*2016 int'l conference, Lviv
2012 Volunteer work at MMET*2012 int'l conference, Kharkiv
2010 Volunteer work at MMET*2010 int'l conference, Kiev and MSMW-10 int'l symposium, Kharkiv
2008-10 Team member, NASU-ASCR exchange project with the Institute of Photonics and Electronics ASCR, Prague
2008 Volunteer work at MMET*08 int. conference, Odesa
2007-09 Team member, NASU-TUBITAK exchange project with the Bilkent University, Ankara, MENESR PECO-NEI research and training network with the University of Rennes 1, and RS joint research project with the University of Nottingham, UK
Volunteer work at MSMW-07 int'l symposium, Kharkiv
2007+ IEEE student member

1. T.L. Zinenko, V.O. Byelobrov, M. Marciniak, J. Ctyroky, A.I. Nosich, "Grating resonances on periodic arrays of sub-wavelength wires and strips: from discoveries to photonic device applications," in O. Shulika, I. Sukhoivanov (Eds.) Contemporary Optoelectronics: Materials, Metamaterials and Device Applications, Springer Ser. Optical Sciences, vol. 199, pp. 65-79, 2016. [pdf]
2. V.O. Byelobrov, T.L. Zinenko, K. Kobayashi, A.I. Nosich, "Periodicity matters: grating or lattice resonances in the scattering by sparse arrays of sub-wavelength strips and wires," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 57, no 6, pp. 34-45, 2015. [pdf]
3. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, "Extraordinary high-Q resonances in the scattering by a dielectric slab containing a grating of circular cylinders," Int. J. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics, and Optoelectronics, ISP NASU Press, Kiev, vol. 17, no 1, pp. 100-105, 2014. [pdf]
4. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Binary grating of sub-wavelength silver and quantum wires as a photonic-plasmonic lasing platform with nanoscale elements," IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 18, no 6, pp. 1839-1846, 2012. [pdf]
5. D.M. Natarov, V.O. Byelobrov, R. Sauleau, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Periodicity-induced effects in the scattering and absorption of light by infinite and finite gratings of circular silver nanowires," Optics Express, vol. 19, no 22, pp. 22176-22190, 2011. [pdf]
6. E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, J. Ctyroky, R. Sauleau, A.I. Nosich, "Optical theorem helps understand thresholds of lasing in microcavities with active regions," IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 47, no 1, pp. 20-30, 2011. [pdf]
7. V.O. Byelobrov, J. Ctyroky, T.M. Benson, A. Altintas, R. Sauleau, A.I. Nosich, "Low-threshold lasing modes of an infinite periodic chain of quantum wires," Optics Letters, vol. 35, no 21, pp. 3634-3636, 2010. [pdf]
8. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Mathematical analysis of the lasing eigenvalue problem for the optical modes in a layered dielectric cavity with a quantum well and distributed Bragg reflectors," Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 39, no 10-11, pp. 927-937, 2007. [pdf]

1. V.O. Byelobrov, "Lasing thresholds of plasmon and grating modes of coated silver nanowire gratings," Proc. IEEE Ukraine Conf. Electrical Computer Eng. (UKRCON-2017), Kiev, 2017, pp. 752-755.
2. A.I. Nosich, M.V. Balaban, V.O. Byelobrov, D.M. Natarov, O.V. Shapoval, "Essentials and merits of the method of analytical regularization in computational optics and photonics," Proc. Int. Conf. Laser and Fiber-Optics Numerical Modeling (LFNM-2016), Odessa, 2016, pp. 77-81.
3. V.O. Byelobrov, "Asymptotic approximations of lasing eigenvalues of an infinite grating of circular quantum wires in the free space," Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-2016), Odessa, 2016, pp. 262-264. [pdf]
4. V.O. Byelobrov, "Methods of decreasing the lasing thresholds of optical resonators with periodically structured active nano wires," Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*2016), Lviv, 2016, p. 239.
5. V.O. Byelobrov, "Optical properties of a dielectric slab front-loaded with a grating of plasmonic silver nanowires," Proc. Int. Conf. Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO-2016), Kiev, 2016, pp. 64-66.
6. A.I. Nosich, O.V. Shapoval, V.O. Byelobrov, D.M. Natarov, "New frontiers for Maxwell equations: electromagnetic modeling of lasers as open resonators with active regions," Proc. National Electromagnetic Theory Meeting Japan (EMT-2015), Miyazaki, 2015, pp. 49-56. Invited paper
7. V.O. Byelobrov, "Ultralow lasing thresholds of VCSEL-type resonators with periodically structured quantum wells," Proc. Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC-2015), Gran Canaria, 2015.
8. A.I. Nosich, V.O. Byelobrov, T.L. Zinenko, D.M. Natarov, O.V. Shapoval, "Optical grating or lattice resonances on silver strip and wire gratings," Abstracts Int. Workshop Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling (OWTNM-2015), London, 2015, p. 22. Invited paper
9. V.O. Byelobrov, "Lasing threshold of plasmon mode of silver nanowire grating embedded in a partially active dielectric slab," Proc. Int. Workshop on Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling (OWTNM-2015), London, 2015, p. 136.
10. V.O. Byelobrov, "Electromagnetic properties of a dielectric slab with an embedded silver nanowire grating," Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*14), Dnipropetrovsk, 2014, pp. 180-182. [pdf]
11. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, "Natural modes of an active slab microcavity with air-filled periodic inclusions," Proc. Int. Conf. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON-2014), Gdansk, 2014, pp. 442-445.
12. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, "Scattering of the plane wave from a periodically perforated dielectric slab," Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-2013), Sudak, 2013, pp. 43-45. [pdf]
13. A.I. Nosich, V.O. Byelobrov, O.V. Shapoval, D.M. Natarov, T.L. Zinenko, M. Marciniak, J. Ctyroky, "Grating resonances on periodic arrays of sub-wavelength wires and strips: historical narrative and possible applications," Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-2013), Sudak, 2013, pp. 10-13. [pdf] Invited paper
14. A.I. Nosich, V.O. Byelobrov, O.V. Shapoval, D.M. Natarov, T.L. Zinenko, M. Marciniak, "Grating resonances as an alternative to plasmon resonances in nanophotonics applications," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2013), Cartagena, 2013, We.C5.2. Invited paper
15. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Electromagnetic characterization of a silver nanowire grating embedded into a dielectric slab," Proc. Int. Conf. Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO-2013), Kiev, 2013, pp. 70-72.
16. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Modeling of extraordinary high-Q resonances in the scattering by periodically structured dielectric slab," Proc. European Conf. Microwave Integrated Circuits (EuMIC-12), Amsterdam, 2012, pp. 550-553. [pdf]
17. T.L. Zinenko, V.O. Byelobrov, M. Marciniak, A.I. Nosich, "Comparison of resonance optical scattering of plane waves by infinite gratings of silver cylinders and strips," Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*12), Kharkiv, 2012, pp. 447-450. [pdf]
18. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Plasmon resonances of an infinite grating of silver wires coated with dielectric envelopes," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2012), Coventry, 2012, Tu.A5.6. [pdf]
19. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Impact of hosting media on the specific resonances of periodic grating embedded in dielectric slab," Proc. Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling (OWTNM-12), Barcelona, 2012.
20. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Near and far fields of high-quality resonances of an infinite grating of sub-wavelength wires," Proc. European Conf. Microwaves (EuMC-11), Manchester, 2011, pp. 858-861. [pdf]
21. V.O. Byelobrov, A. Vukovic, T.M. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Reflection properties and lasing modes in the H-polarization case for an infinite chain of dielectric and silver nanowires," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2011), Stockholm, 2011, We.B2.5. [pdf]
22. A.I. Nosich, E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, R. Sauleau, "Poynting theorem for the natural modes of open dielectric resonators with active regions," Proc. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf. (APMC-2010), Yokohama, 2010, pp. 857-860. Invited paper
23. A.I. Nosich, E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, R. Sauleau, "Effective mode volume of a natural mode of an open dielectric resonator with an active region," Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-10), Sebastopol, 2010, pp. 33-35. [pdf] Invited paper
24. V.O. Byelobrov, T. Benson, J. Ctyroki, R. Sauleau, A.I. Nosich,"Plasmon and structure resonances in the scattering of light by a periodic chain of silver nanowires," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2010), Munich, 2010, Tu.P.8. [pdf]
25. V.O. Byelobrov,"Lasing eigenvalue problem study for a periodic grating of active circular nanowires," Digest Int. Workshop Modern Challenges in Microwave Superconductivity, Photonics and Electronics (MSPE-2009), Kharkov, 2009, p. 44.
26. V.O. Byelobrov, P. Sewell, T. Benson, A. Altintas, A.I. Nosich,"Lasing modes of periodical chain of circular active nanowires," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2009), Ponta Delgada, 2009, Th.P.4.
27. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Lasing spectra and thresholds of a layered dielectric cavity with a quantum well and distributed Bragg reflectors," Proc. Int. Conf. Theoretical and Computational Nanophotonics 2008 (TACONA-2008), Bad Honnef, 2008.
28. V.O. Byelobrov, R. Sauleau, A.I. Nosich, "Verification of lasing spectra and thresholds for layered structures equipped with quantum wells with the aid of the optical theorem," Abstracts Int. Conf. Mediterranean Microwave Symp. 2008 (MMS-2008), Damask, 2008.
29. V.O. Byelobrov, P. Sewell, T. Benson, A.I. Nosich, "Numerical study of lasing modes of periodically structured active nanowires," Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-08), Alushta, 2008, pp. 94-97.
30. A.I. Nosich, E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, P. Sewell, T. Benson, J. Ctyroky, "New aspects of the use of Optical Theorem in the analysis of microcavity lasers," Proc. Int. Conf. Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-08), Alushta, 2008, pp. 101-103. Invited paper
31. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Lasing modes of infinite periodic chain of quantum wires," Abstracts Int. Conf. Photonics, Devices and Systems (Photonics Prague 2008), Prague, 2008, p. 65.
32. A.I. Nosich, E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, P. Sewell, J. Ctyroky, "Mathematical and numerical modelling of optical microcavities with active regions," Abstracts Int. Conf. Photonics, Devices and Systems (Photonics Prague 2008), Prague, 2008, p. 58. Invited paper
33. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, P. Sewell, A.I. Nosich, "Linear modelling of lasing thresholds in a VCSEL-like cavity with an active region," Proc. URSI General Assembly (URSI-GA-2008), Chicago, 2008, DP2p4. [pdf]
34. V.O. Byelobrov, T.M. Benson, A. Altintas, A.I. Nosich, "Characteristic equations for the lasing modes of infinite periodic chain of quantum wires," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-08), Athens, 2008, vol. 4, pp. 246-249. [pdf]
35. A.I. Nosich, E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, P. Sewell, T.M. Benson, J. Ctyroky, "Optical theorem helps understand thresholds of lasing in open semiconductor microcavities," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-08), Athens, 2008, vol. 4, pp. 10-13. [pdf] Invited paper
36. E.I. Smotrova, V.O. Byelobrov, P. Sewell, T.M. Benson, J. Ctyroky, A.I. Nosich, "Understanding thresholds of microcavity lasers through overlap coefficients," Proc. Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling (OWTNM-08), Eidhoven, 2008, p. 9.
37. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Thresholds of lasing as solutions of characteristic equation for a VCSEL-type layered structure," Proc. Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-07), Rome, 2007, vol. 4, pp. 204-207. [pdf]
38. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Dependences of lasing thresholds for a layered structure equipped with a quantum well on the mode symmetry," Abstracts Int. Conf. Days on Diffraction (DoD-07), St. Petersburg, 2007, p. 25.
39. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Lasing spectra and thresholds of the optical modes in a layered-DBR microcavity equipped with a quantum well," Proc. Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS-2007), Budapest, 2007, pp. 167-170.
40. V.O. Byelobrov, A.I. Nosich, "Dependences of lasing thresholds of a layered structure on the quantum-well width," Proc. Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling (OWTNM-07), Copenhagen, 2007, p. 17. [poster]

Prof. A. Altintas, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey. FAX: +90-312-266-1489, Email:  
Prof. M. Marciniak, Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, 04-894, Poland. FAX: +48-22-812-8347, Email:  
Prof. T.M. Benson, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK. FAX: +44-115-951-5616, Email: up

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