- Lukin K.A., Shestopalov V.P. Spatio-temporal dynamics of field in resonator with non-linear plasma sheet. // Intern. Conf. on plasma Phisics. Kiev, USSR, April 6-12,1987: Proc. Contributed papers.-Kiev:Nauk.Dumka,1987.-p.170-172.
- Lukin K.A., Shestopalov V.P. Electrodynamics of the Quasi-1D Resonant Systems with Nonlinear Reflecting Surfaces. / Proc. of 4th Int.Seminar.15-24 Sep.,1991,Alustra.-p.328-333.
- Lukin K.A. Noise Radar with Correlation Receiver as the Basis of Car Collision Avoidance System. // 25-th European Microwave Conference, Bologna; Conference Proceedings. - UK, Nexus.- 1995. -p.506-507.
- Lukin K.A.. Influence of the space charge of the electron flow on the specific power used force on the target. // Physics in Ukraine International conference 22-27 June 1993 Kiev Ukraine.
- Lukin K.A. Ka-band Noise Radar. // Proc. of the Int. Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves". (June 7-10, 1994). - Kharkov, Ukraine. - 1994. -2. - p.322-324.
- Lukin K.A., Alexandrov Yu.A., Kulik V.V., Wideband Millimeter Wave Noise Radar. // Int. Conference on Modern Radars. - Kiev, Ukraine. - 1994. - p.30-31.
- Rakityansky V.A., Lukin K.A. Excitation of the Chaotic Oscillations in Millimeter BWO. // Int. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. - 1995.-16, -No. 6. - p.1037-1050.
- Lukin K.A., Rakityansky V.A. Sources of Millimeter Noise Oscillations. // Proc. of the Int. Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves". ( June 7-10, 1994). - Kharkov, Ukraine. - 1994. No. 2. - p.322-324.
- Lukin K.A., Kulik V.V., Rakityansky V.A. Autodyne Effect in BWO Operating in Chaotic Regime. // Proc. of the SPIE 2250, Ed. by M.Afsar. - 1994. - p.207-208.
- Lukin K.A., O.V.Zemlyaniy. Chaotic wide-band oscillator with delay line. // Proc. Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Dublin, Ireland, July 28-29, 1995.
- Lukin K.A., O.V.Zemlyaniy. Excitation of spread-spectrum chaotic oscillations in transmission line. // Proc. 3rd Experimental Chaos Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, August 21-23, 1995.
- Lukin K.A., Cerdeira H.A., Yurchenko L.V. Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Resonators with Localized Nonlinearities. // Proc. 5th Int. Specialist Workshop "Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems", NDES'97, June 26-27, 1997, Moscow, Russia, p.342-346
- Lukin K.A., Cerdeira H.A., Colavita A.A. Current Oscillations in Avalanche Particle Detectors with p-n-i-p-n-Structure. // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, -Vol. 43, -No. 3, March 1996.
- Lukin K.A., Cerdeira H.A., Colavita A.A. Chaotic instability of currents in a reverse biased multilayered structure. // Appl. Phys. Lett. 71 (17), 27 October 1997.
- Kulik V.V., Lukin K.A., Rakityansky V.A. Autodyne effect in the Weak-Resonant BWO with chaotic dynamics. // Int. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. March 1998.-Vol.19.- No.3.-p.427-440.
- Mogila A.A., Lukin K.A. Two-parametric representa-tion of non-stationary ran-dom signals in radar. // PIERS, Workshop on Advances in Radar Methods, Baveno, ITALY, July 20-22, 1998 Abstracts, -p. 102.
- Lukin K.A., Afanasxev V.I. Excitation of Chaotic Oscillations in BWO by Means of Turbulent Electron Flows. // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol.51, No.6-7 1997, p.148-152.
- Mogila A.A.,Lukin K.A. Two-Parametric Representation of Non-stationary Random Signals with Finite Weighted-Mean Energy. // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol.51, No. 8, 1997, -p. 27-31.
- Mogila A.A. Adaptive Signal Filtration Based on the Two-Parametric Representation of Random Processes. // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol.51, No. 8, 1997.-p. 21-26.
- Lukin K.A. Advanced Noise Radar Technology.// Proceedings of the PIERS Workshop on Advances in Radar Methods. (April 20-22, 1998). Hotel Dino, Baveno, Italy, Ed. Ann Franchois, Organised by EC, JRC, Space Application Institute, Brussels, Luxembourg. - 1998. - p.137-140.
- Lukin K.A. Noise Radar Technology For Civil Applications. // Proceedings of the 1st EMSL User Workshop. (23-24 April 1996). JRC-Ispra, Italy, Ed. By G.Nesti, Organised by Space Application Institute, Advanced Techniques Unit, ECSC-EC-EAEC Brussels, Luxembourg. - 1997. -p.105-112.
- Keydel W., Lukin K. Summary of Discussion in working Group V: Unconventional New Techniques and Technologies for Future Radars. // Proceedings. of the PIERS Workshop on Advances in Radar Methods. (April 20-22, 1998). Hotel Dino, Baveno, Iyaly, Ed. Ann Franchois, Organised by EC, JRC, Space Application Institute, Brussels, Luxembourg. - 1998. - p.28-30.
- Lukin K.A., Zemlyaniy O.V. Spread-spectrum RF noise reflectometer. // Ukrainian Journal of Metrology, No.2, 1997, p.14-18 (in Russian).
- Kulik V.V., Lukin K.A., A.A.Mogila, G.Nesti, H.Rudolf, A.J.Sieber, D.Tarchi and O.V.Zemlyaniy SAR imaging system on the basis of Noise Radar Technology. // PIERS workshop on Advances in Radar Methods. Book of Abstracts. Baveno, Italy, July 20-22,1998, p.200.
- Lukin K.A. Noise Radar Technology for Short Range Applications. // RADARx99. The 5th Int. Conference on Radar Systems.( May 17-21, 1999). - Brest, France. Proceedings. - 1999. -1: Oral Sessions, 2.11(c).-p.6.
- Lukin K.A., Zemlyaniy O.V., Autodyne Effect in Chaotic Wide-Band RF Oscillator. // Int. Conf. "Twentieth European Dynamics Days 2000". Book of Abstracts. University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, June 25-29, 2000, -p.91.
- Henning F. Harmuth, Konstantin A. Lukin. Interstellar Propagation of Electromagnetic Signals. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, N.-Y., 2000.
- Lukin K.A., Tarchi D., Leva D., Mogila A., Nesti G., Sieber A.J. Short range imaging applications noise radar technology. // Proc. of EUSAR 2000, 3rd European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 23-25 May 2000, Munich, Germany, p. 361-364.
- Harmuth H.F., Lukin K.A.. Dipole Currents and Interstellar Propagation of Electromagnetic Signals. // Int. Conference Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory MMET-2000, Sept.12-15, 2000 Kharkov, Ukraine, V.1, pp.117-119 .
- Lukin K.A., Cerdeira H.A., Colavita A.A., Maximov P.P. Internal Amplification of Current Pulses inside a Reverse Biased p-n-i-p-n-structure.
Lukin K.A. Millimeter wave noise radar applications: theory and experiment. // Invited Papers.Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.1, p. 68-73.
- Mogyla A.A., Lukina T.K. Simulation of adaptive two-parametric filtration of millimetric wave band signals. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.1, p. 277-279
- Zemlyaniy O.V. Power spectrum of the millimeter wave noise oscillator with frequency modulation. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.2, p.765-767
- Maksymov P.P. Static electrical fields of reverse-biased GaAs- and Ge-pn-i-pn structures. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.2, p. 777-779
- Maksymov P.P. Reverse-biased GaAs- and Si-pnipn structures for semiconductor devices. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.2, p. 774-776
- Lukin K.A., Mogyla A.A., Kovalenko N.P., Kovalenko R.P. Ka-Band Noise SAR Simulation. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.1, p.441-443.
- Lukin K.A., Mogyla A.A., Alexandrov Yu.A., Zemlyaniy O.V., Lukina T.K., Shiyan Yu. W-band Noise Radar Sensor for Car Collision Warning Systems. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.2, p.870-872
- Kulyk V.V. Experimental Investigation of Spectral Interforometry Method. // Proc. of the 4th International Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", Kharkov, Ukraine, June 4-9, 2001, Vol.2, p.879-880.
- Lukin K.A. , Mogyla A.A., Kulik V.V. Statistical Errors of Ranging in the Spectral Interferometry Technique. // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 10-11, 2001, p. 67-77.
- A.A.Mogyla. Interrelation between Two-Parametric Models of Random Signals with Limited Energy in Different Orthonormal Bases. // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering , Vol. 57, No 2-3, 2002, p. 57-63.
- Lukin K.A., Mogyla A.A., Shyian Yu.A. Relay-Type Noise Correlation Radar for the Measurement of Range and Vector Range Rate. // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 2-3, 2002, p. 175-183.
