No 5





Yu.V. Levadnyi, V.Ê. Ivanov, & V.N. Shalyapin
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to Yu.V. Levadnyi E-mail:

The analysis of the experimental data is carried out to find out the relationship between evaporation duct height defined on the basis of bulk meteorological measurements and attenuation of centimeter waves in over-the-horizon range. It is demonstrated that evaporation duct height reduction to three meters for small heights of evaporation ducts, to two meters for medium height and one meter for large-height ones increase accuracy of microwave propagation diagnostics. It is also confirmed that in tropical and subtropical areas of the Atlantic Ocean for low antenna heights an evaporation duct is one of the major propagation mechanisms for three-centimeter waves.
KEY WORDS: atmospheric duct, radio wave propagation, numerical methods


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