No 4





À.N. Dovbnya, V.P. Yefimov, & À.S. Àbyzov
National Research Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”
61108 Kharkiv, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to V.P. Yefimov E-mail:

The influence of radiation factor upon formation of nano-dimensional filaments in silicon structures with their application in 3G solar cells is considered. Under the influence of hard particle radiation during some time there are accumulated failures of the structure of c-Si-crystals in photoelectric cells operating under the open space conditions that results in decreasing of solar cells efficiency and lower level of power supply to space satellites. This problem can be solved by creation of nano-dimensional conducting filaments in the structure of c-Si-substance in order to improve collection of current carriers generated by photons in the broad spectrum of solar radiation. At radiation treatment of silicon substances there occurs local amorphization of the crystal structure that allows creating directed nano-dimensional conducting filaments (nanowires) in the volume of the crystal. After the process of gradient shift of the doping agent atoms is completed the remaining radiation misalignment of the atoms in the lattice is eliminated by annealing of its structure. Additional disengagement of current carriers from the volume of the silicon solar element along the array of nanowires allows increasing of solar cells efficiency and extending the efficient lifetime of space objects.
KEY WORDS: radiation factor, silicon, solar cell, nano-structure


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