No 2





A.P. Kusaykin, P.N. Melezhik, & A.E. Poyedinchuk
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to P.N. Melezhik E-mail:

The generalized scattering matrix method is used to solve the spectral problem on determining propagation constants of the TM-eigenmodes in a periodic waveguide formed by a metamaterial layer and a reflected grating. Specific features in the behavior of the eigenmode dispersion characteristics are analyzed within the frequency range where the metamaterial permittivity assumes negative values. The effect of mode-to-mode coupling and a new kind of the surface wave interaction in the waveguide have been revealed, and conditions of their appearance have been determined.
KEY WORDS: metamaterial, periodic waveguide, frequency dispersion, the Bragg reflection, surface and leaky waves, mode-to-mode coupling


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