No 1





J.V. Antonenko & A.V. Gribovsky
Institute of Radio Astronomy,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4, Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkiv 61002, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to J.V. Antonenko E-mail:

The effect of non-specular reflection of electromagnetic waves from a grating made of short-circuited coaxial sector waveguides is investigated. It is shown that the electric field energy of the incident wave can be transformed into the wave energy reflected in a non-specular direction. The Stokes parameters are analyzed in dependence on the length of the short-circuited coaxial sector waveguides. The possibility of converting incident linearly polarized waves into reflected circularly polarized waves is considered for the regimes of non-specular reflection of electromagnetic waves.

KEY WORDS: non-specular reflection, autocollimation mode, polarization conversion, short-circuited coaxial sector waveguide


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