No 11





S.A. Prikolotin, À.À. Kirilenko
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to S.A. Prikolotin E-mail:

A generalized method is presented for determining the modal basis of hollow waveguides of complex transverse cross-section geometries with arbitrary piece-wise coordinate boundaries. The technique is based on the account of the filed singularities in the vicinity of edge discontinuities. The objects under consideration include - and -waveguides, -septum and multi-groove ones, simple and complicated cross-shaped structures, rectangular coaxial waveguides and those with the cross-section in the form of a split-ring and many others which represent structural elements of various electrodynamic systems. All stages of the implementation algorithm of the generalized Mode Matching Technique (MMT) with allowance for field singularities are described, starting from searching the complete spectrum of critical frequencies to determining the eigenmode transverse fields, which allows treating complicated vector problems of scattering in waveguides and perforated screens. Transverse electric field distributions are presented for lower- and higher-order modes in some “exotic” waveguides, which demonstrate the efficiency of the computational procedures constructed.
KEY WORDS: waveguide of a complex cross-section geometry, modal basis, Mode Matching Technique


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pages 937-958
