No 19





A.P. Nickolaenko1 & A.Yu. Schekotov2
1A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
1 Schmidt Institute of Earth Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
10 B. Gruzinskaya St., Moscow, 123995, Russia
Address all correspondence to A.P. Nikolaenko E-mail:

We examine electromagnetic pulse associated with an abrupt change of the height of the Earth–ionosphere cavity that was caused by intense gamma ray flare on 21:30:26.5 UT on December 27, 2004. We demonstrate that parameters of observed extremely low frequency (ELF) radio pulse correspond to model expectations: the wave arrival angle is close to the direction toward the epicenter of ionosphere modification, the pulsed waveform is similar to that computed, and its amplitude exceeds the level of the regular Schumann resonance background by a few times. Simultaneously, the pulse onset at the Karymshino observatory (52,827? N, 158,132? E) is ~ 0.16 s in advance relative to the published time of modification in the VLF records.
KEY WORDS: ELF transient, the Schumann resonance, gamma ray pulse


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pages 1763-1770
