No 18





G.P. Yermak, A.V. Varavin, A.S. Vasiliev, I.V. Popov, A.P. Yevdokimov, & V.V. Kryzhanovskiy
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to G.P. Yermak E-mail:

This paper presents the research results of low-range surveillance radar designed on the basis of Ka-band FMCW autodyne transceiver with scanning antenna of diffraction radiation. All the functions of signal forming and spectral processing, as well as control over the scanning beam of the antenna were carried out by means of a digital signal processor. The control commands and signals from radar were transmitted through the radio channel IEEE 802.11b.
KEY WORDS: surveillance autodyne radar, mm wave band, FMCW, digital signal processing


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pages 1673-1683
