No 16





M.V. Mil’cho
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to L.V. Stulova E-mail:

The 3D motion of electrons in the klynotron-type oscillator is analyzed by means of numerical simulations. The interaction between the electrons and both the longitudinal and transverse components of the high frequency field is taken into account. To describe the fields in a comb slowing structure, the rigorous electrodynamic solution is used, in which the features of the fields on sharp edges of the metal elements take into account. The physical model, the calculation methods for high-frequency fields and the computer integration method are described in [1]. The results of the numerical analysis of real klynotrons will be represented in the following paper.
KEY WORDS: electronics, klynotron, three-dimensionality, interaction, numerical calculation


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  5. Mil'cho, M.V., (2008), The interaction of electrons with transversal and longitudinal components of the high-frequency field in a klynotron-type oscillators, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 67(1):53-75.
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  11. Mil'cho, M.V., (2004), The Conformal Mapping Method for Analysis of High-Frequency Electro-Magnetic Fields in Slow-Wave Structures. Chapter 2. Electrodynamic Solutions Being Equivalent to Electrostatic Ones. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 61(6):485-501.
  12. Mil'cho, M.V., (2004), The Conformal Mapping Method for Analysis of High-Frequency Electro-Magnetic Fields in Slow-Wave Structures. Chapter 3. Analysis of Specific Slow-Wave Structures. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 61(7):600-622.
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pages 1449-1463
