No 15





A.A. Sorokin1, A.F. Sorokin2, M.Ya. Zakharova3, O.V. Sokolova2 & N.N. Gorobets4
1V.I.Vernadskii Tavria National University,
4, Vernadskii ave.,Simferopol, 95007, Ukraine
2V. Dal Eastern-Ukrainian National University, Crimea faculty
54, Kirova St., Evpatoria, 97404, Ukraine
3Enterprise “TIAMAS”,
4 V. Karazin National University of Kharkiv,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to N.N. Gorobets E-mail:

The gas accumulation mechanism in galactic objects submerged in the large-scale magnetic field is discussed. Due to the diamagnetism of the objects plasma subsystem the stopper geometry of the magnetic field is inevitably formed along with the radial electric field. The plasma rotating in the crossed-field configuration is effectively confined and accumulated. Atoms are tightly coupled on the effect of charge exchange with ions, this process giving rise to their accumulation. The computational results obtained from the distributions of molecular and atomic hydrogen in our Galaxy whose stopper geometry of its magnetic field has long been known are cited. It is shown that this mechanism describes minutely the basic features of gas subsystems.
KEY WORDS:astrophysics, galactic objects, accumulation of gas


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