No 13





S.L. Abashin1, V.K. Komar2, D.P. Nalyvaiko2, S.V. Oleynick1, V.M. Puzikov2, M.A. Rom2, S.V. Sulima2, & O.N. Chugai1
1National Aerospace University (Kharkov Aviation Institute),
17, Chkalov St., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine
2 State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals”
of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
60, Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 61178, Ukraine
Address all correspondence S.V. Oleynick E-mail:

The difference in of the resistivity ρ measured in both stationary and alternating electric fields has been established for Ńd1–xZnxTe crystals (ő = 0.12…0.16). It is shown that this discrepancy is related to the energy dissipation of the alternating electric field, caused by the dielectric relaxation. To evaluate the contribution of the dielectric relaxation in ρ, it is suggested to use a relaxation oscillator frequency distribution function, which can be found from the frequency dependence of the permittivity of crystal.
KEY WORDS:resistivity, dissipation, dielectric relaxation


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pages 1203-1215
