No 10




Multifrequency Self-Oscillations in Semiconductor Structures
with Two Coupled Avalanche
p-n Junctions

K.A. Lukin & P.P. Maksymov
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

Results of numerical solution to the equations of drift-diffusion model (DDT) of semiconductor structures with abrupt avalanche junctions are presented. The multifrequency self-oscillation mode in Ge-, Si- and GaAs-based structures with a dc reverse bias has been found can operate. The excitation mechanism of self-oscillations has been investigated and the generated spectrum has been analyzed. It is shown that semiconductor structures with abrupt junctions represent a kind of the sustained-excited oscillation system. They can be used for designing multifrequency generators of the microwave frequency range.

KEY WORDS:semiconductor, pn–i–pn-structure, avalanche-cascade amplification, impact ionization, difference method, multifrequency self-oscillations


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pages 925-937
