No 9




Electromagnetic Wave Focusing in a Dielectric Cylinder

N.N. Gorobets & N.N. Statsyuk
V. Karazin National University of Kharkiv, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine

The geometrical-optics approximation was used to perform calculations and analysis of amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields in the point of their focusing inside the lossy dielectric cylinder irradiated with a plane electromagnetic wave of linear polarization. It has been established that in the focal region the amplitudes are changing according to the oscillating laws and the heavy longitudinal field gradients, the larger cylinder diameter and the higher its dielectric permeability. Experimental results allow one to explain the effects of subthreshold (nonthermal) influence of low-intensity millimeter and submillimeter electromagnetic waves on the man and other biological objects.

KEY WORDS:electromagnetic field, focusing, losses, irradiation


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pages 751-762
