No 8




Reduction of Aspect Dependent Speckle Fluctuations in High-Resolution Radar Range Profiles

J T. Astola & K O. Egiazarian
Tampere University of Technology, Signal Processing Laboratory,
P. O. Box 553, FIN-33101, Tampere, Finland

P A. Molchanov & A.V. Totsky
National Aerospace University,
17, Chkalova Str., 61070, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to A.V. Totsky E-mail:

V M. Orlenko
Kharkov Air Forces University,
77/79, Sumskaya Str., 61023, Kharkiv, Ukraine

This paper deals with the analysis of the variability of high-resolution radar range profiles caused by the changes of aerial target aspect angle regarding to the radar line of sight. An approach based on radar range profiles reconstruction from the averaging of sets of short-time bispectrum estimates is developed and investigated. Results of computer simulations obtained for aerial targets of different types demonstrate that the sensibility of range profile estimates with respect to the target aspect angle changes decreases when the proposed bispectrum-based estimation is used.

KEY WORDS: high-resolution range profile, automatic target recognition, speckle, bispectral estimation, aircraft

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pages 687-698
