No 8




Parametrization of Signal Spectra of Zenith-Pointing Radars

A.I. Litvin-Popovich & V.N. Oleynikov
Kharkiv National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to V.N. Oleynikov E-mail:

The spectra parametrization is one of the most computably complex stages of information preprocessing in the vertical sounding (VS) radars. Besides, the temporal resolution of data obtained is critical for a number of applications and therefore the development of effective spectra parametrization algorithms is the issue of the day. The paper presents an effective algorithm of ZP radar spectra parametrization in comparison with its known analogs.

KEY WORDS: signal processing, zenith-pointing radar, parametrization, informatics parameter

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pages 681-686
