No 7




Simulation of Transient Wave Scattering on the Cone with Longitudinal Slots and an Internal Insert

V.A. Doroshenko & Yu.O. Shimuk
Kharkiv National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to V.A. Doroshenko E-mail:

The model on the pulse excitation of a slot conic antenna is considered. The electrodynamics problem is reduced to the initial-boundary-value problem of mathematical physics. The method for solving the above problem is based upon using the Meler-Fock integral transformation and the method of the Riemann-Hilbert problem. The dependence of electromagnetic field components upon the time parameter is examined. It is shown that the longitudinal slot exerts a certain influence upon the response from the cone vertex. A study has been made of the impact of the slot width and the cone aperture angle upon the electrodynamic characteristics in the time domain.

KEY WORDS: wave scattering, initial-boundary-value problem, boundary conditions, longitudinal slot, time domain

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pages 609-618
