No 6




An Automatic Approach to Lossy Compression of AVIRIS Hyperspectral Data

N.N. Ponomarenko, V.V. Lukin, M.S. Zriakhov

National Aerospace University (Kharkiv Aviation Institute),
17, Chkalov St., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to V.V. Lukin E-mail:

A. Kaarna
Lappeenranta University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, FIN-53851, Lappeenranta, Finland

J.T. Astola
Institute of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology,
P.O.Box 553, FIN-33101, Tampere, Finland

In this paper we design and study an automatic approach to lossy compression of AVIRIS hyperspectral data. This approach takes into account the statistical characteristics of noise in component images as well as the considerable inter-channel correlation of data. An automatic method to estimate the noise variance in component images is proposed, and its performance is studied. It is shown that the accuracy of the variance estimates is appropriate for further use. Then, the selection of compression parameters of an advanced DCT-based coder, AGU, for component-wise (2-D) and group-wise (3-D) lossy compression of hyperspectral data is discussed. These two ways of lossy compression are compared for a set of standard AVIRIS images. We demonstrate that channel grouping with respect to estimated noise variances allows minimizing distortions and provides compression ratios which are approximately twice larger than in component-wise automatic lossy compression. It is shown that for AVIRIS images the achieved compression ratios can be of the order 7…29. Moreover, we demonstrate that for those subbands where noise is relatively intensive, noise attenuation is provided simultaneously with data compression whilst for other subband images no visible distortions are introduced by our lossy coder.

KEY WORDS: statistical characteristics, image, remote sencing

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