No 6




T- and H- Modes in Waveguide Coaxial Resonator

R.I. Bilous, S.P. Martynyuk, A.P. Motornenko, I.G. Skuratovsky, & O.I. Khazov
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Address all correspondence to A.P. Motornenko E-mail:

The T- and H-mode characteristics in a waveguide coaxial resonator (WCR) have been examined. The dependencies of T- and H-mode eigenfrequencies and the basic Q-factors of the H-mode upon resonator parameters have been numerically calculated. The experimental studies of the afore-mentioned modes have been performed on a single composite breadboard model of a 3-cm wave WCR. The computational results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.

KEY WORDS: waveguide-coaxial resonator, T- and H-oscillations, eigen frequency, eigen Q-factor

  1. Makeev, Yu.G. and Motornenko, A.P., (2001), Waveguide-coaxial resonator, 4-th Int. Kharkov Symposium “Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave”, Kharkov, pp.708-709.
  2. Makeev, Yu.G. and Motornenko, A.P., (2003), Magnetic types of modes in a resonator on the sections of beyond-cutoff circular waveguide and coaxial line, Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiziki. 73(4):113-116 (in Russian).
  3. Motornenko, A.P., Belous, R.I., and Martynyuk, S.P., (2005), Characteristics of magnetic-type modes in a waveguide-coaxial resonator, Radiotekhnika. 143:12-16 (in Russian).
  4. Belous, R.I., Motornenko, A.P., Skyratovsky, I.G., and Khazov, O.I., (2006), MM-wave waveguide-coaxial resonator, Izv. VUZov. Radioelektronika. 49(8):55-60 (in Russian).
  5. Motornenko, A.P., Skyratovsky, I.G., and Martynyuk, S.P., (2008), Investigation into the TEM-mode features in a waveguide-coaxial resonator, Radiotekhnika. 153:61-64 (in Russian).

pages 489-493
