No 5




Advanced Methods of Increasing and Monitoring the Lifetime of Nonequilibrium Minority Charge Carriers in Master Dies for High-Performance Silicon Solar Cells

M.V. Êirichenko, R.V. Zaitsev, & V.R. Êîpach
National technical University “Kharkiv polytechnical Institute”
21, Frunze St., Kharkiv 61002, Ukraine
«Address all correspondence to M.V. Êirichenko E-mail:

The distribution of nonequilibrium minority charge carrier lifetime τn,p in the depth of single-crystal silicon wafers was investigated by the improved method of stationary photoconduction decrease and by the standard method of photoconduction decay. The wafers of p- and n-type conduction used in hardware products for the electronic engineering were tested. To increase τn,p in the near-surface regions the wafers were subjected to the gettering annealing and deep chemical etching. Basing on the comparative analysis of resulting τn,p values it is proposed to use silicon wafers treated by chemical etching as master dies for domestic manufacture of alternative high-performance multijunction photovoltaic converters with vertical diode cells.

KEY WORDS: master silicon dies, lifetime, nonequilibrium minority charge carriers, photoconduction

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pages 441-450
