No 15





V.M. Yakovenko, S.I. Khankina, & I.V. Yakovenko
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
«Address all correspondence to V.M. Yakovenko E-mail:

The interaction between plasma oscillations and fluxes of charged particles that move parallel or normally to the boundary of the structure consisting of a plasma layer surrounded by media having different electromagnetic properties has been studied in hydrodynamic and kinetic approximations. The spectra and the Landau damping (amplification) of oscillations are determined in such systems. The interaction between electromagnetic oscillations of a periodically inhomogeneous plasma medium (semiconductor superlattice) and an electron flow is considered. The conditions for initiation of the unstable states of these oscillations have been found.
KEY WORDS: charged particle flux, plasma, layer medium, instability, nonlinear phenomena


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pages 1365-1390
