No 14




Frequency Properties of A Locked-in Active Oscillator with Automatic Oscillating-Frequency Tuning

V.V. Pechenin & A.R. Saramolki
National Aerospace University (Kharkiv Aviation Institute),
17, Chkalov St., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine
ĞAddress all correspondence to V.V. Pechenin E-mail:

A comparative analysis of frequency properties of a locked-in active oscillator has been made from one or two control inputs, one of which affording automatic oscillating frequency tuning. It is shown analytically that the key advantages of the oscillator already examined when it is used as a Doppler filter. A follow-up Doppler can be implemented whose function circuit differs from the circuit arrangement of automatic frequency or phasecontrol.

KEY WORDS:  oscillator, frequency stability, the Doppler filter, sync band


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  4. Malakhov, A.M., (1967), Fluctuations in self-sustaining oscillation systems, Nauka, Moscow: 660 p. (in Russian).
  5. Pechenin, V.V., Baryshev, V.I., and Gorbunenko, O.A., (2007), Analysis of noise immunity of the Doppler filter built around an electromagnetic delay line, Vestnik KhPI. 11:7-14 (in Russian).
  6. Pechenin, V.V., Baryshev, V.I., and Masurenko, A.V., (2008), Methods and results of studies into the interference immunity of a single-channel Doppler filter, Vestnik KhPI. 1:10-16 (in Russian).

pages 1241-1247
