No 13





N.N. Gorobets, Ye.Ye. Îvsyannikova, & À.V. Shishkova

V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine
«Address all correspondence to À.V. Shishkova E-mail:

The amplitude and phase characteristics of the radiation from an open end of the rectangular waveguide excited by the fundamental mode Í10–wave at an arbitrary range from the oscillating aperture are investigated on the basis of the Hertz potentials method in Kirchhoff formulation. The criteria for estimation of the boundary of the far-zone of small as compared to the wavelength waveguide oscillators, for which the classic formula of calculation of the far-zone is inacceptable, are introduced. Investigations of oscillation characteristics are performed according to the suggested estimation criteria and the far-zone boundaries are established for the waveguide oscillators having smaller dimensions than the wavelength in the waveguide.

KEY WORDS: rectangular waveguides, microwaves, far zone boundary, amplitude and phase characteristics of oscillation


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pages 1153-1163
