No 12




Estimation of carbon balance of Ukrainian forests using the data obtained from remote Earth sensing from the space

L.Ì. Àtroshenko, N.N. Gorobets
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4 Svobody Sq., 61077 Kharkiv, Ukraine
«Address all correspondence to N.N. Gorobets
E-mail: Nikolay.N.

V.V. Bogomolov, S.I. Êîstyashkin
Kharkiv State Forest Regulation Expedition,
11. Zaliznychna St., 62458 Pokotylivka, Kharkiv Region, Ukraine

I.F. Buksha, D.S. Êîstyashkin, V.P. Pasternak
G.N. Vysotsky Ukrainian Research and Development Institute of Forestry and Silvicultural Reclamation
86 Pushkinska St., 61024 Kharkiv, Ukraine


The technology for estimation of carbon reserves on the forest-covered territories using the results of sensing of such territories from satellite-based optical and radio frequency bandwidths sensors is suggested. The development is illustrated by calculation of carbon reserves volume in the forests of Sumy Region, Ukraine.

KEY WORDS:  remote sensing, forest, carbon reserves, database


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pages 1109-1119
