No 11




A Solution Algorithm for the Drift-Diffusion Model Equations of Semiconducting Structures with Avalanche p-n Junctions

P.P. Maksymov
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
«Address all correspondence to K.A. Lukin E-mail:

An algorithm has been developed for solving the equations of the drift-diffusion model of reverse-based pn-i-pn structures with abrupt p-n  junctions. The algorithm is based on the finite-difference equations of the modified counter-sweep method, combined with a technique for calculating semiconducting pn-i-pn structures with abrupt p-n junctions and methods for analyzing abrupt p-n junctions in the self-oscillation regime. The computation error is estimated for the electric field in Ge-, Si- and GaAs-based pn-i-pn structures with a feedback. The relative error of computation has been shown to decrease as the number of modes of the finite difference scheme is increased being limited by the error at approximating to differential operators by the finite-difference ones. The electric field self-oscillations and current densities in such structures are analyzed along with their spectra. The limiting case of low avalanche currents has been investigated.

KEY WORDS: semiconductor, algorithm, reverse-based pn-i-pn structure, avalanche-cascade amplification, impact ionization, difference method, microwave radiation


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pages 1019-1030
