No 10




Cable Communication System as Antenna. Radiation and Reception Regimes

A.A. Dudka, A.I. Tsopa, and V.M. Shokalo
Kharkiv National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics, 14, Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

A new model of cable communication channel is exemplified as a radiating system which makes it possible to analyze its EMC. Contrary to the conventional models the suggested model permits to study dependence of the cable radiation field and amplitude of the noise voltage induced in the communication link modems’ input on the angular coordinates and distance either to the noise detector or noise generator. It should be also noted that the TCC type communication cables available and commonly used are considered here.


  1. Mikhailov, M.I., and Razumov, L.D., (1967), Protection of the cable communication lines against the external electromagnetic fields. Svyaz, Moscow, (in Russian).
  2. ITALIANA CONDUTTORI s.r.l.: "What You Really Need to Know About the Screening Effectiveness in Coaxial Cables". Technical Report. September 2002.
  3. Efimov, I.E., (1964), Radio frequency transmission lines. Sov. Radio, Moscow, (in Russian).
  4. Lavrov, G.A., and Knyazev, A.S., (1965), Ground and underground antennae. Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, (in Russian)
  5. Grudinskaya, G.P., (1979), Electrodynamics and radio waves propagation. Sov. Radio, Moscow, (in Russian).

pages 865-874
