No 9




Influence of the Dimensional and Form Precision of the Constructional Elements of Biconical Coaxial Microwave Resonator of the Parameter of Sensor of Movement

O.O. Drobakhin
O.Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, 72, Gagarin ave., Dnepropetrovsk, 49010, Ukraine

P.I. Zabolotny
Institute of Technical Mechanics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 5, Lyashko-popel St., Dnepropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine

A sensor of movement based on a biconical coaxial microwave resonator is considered. Electrical field structure and basic electrodynamics parameters of the biconical coaxial microwave cavity have been calculated with finite element method. The influence of various technological defects and geometrical parameters of the biconical coaxial on the sensor properties has been investigated. It has been determined that form variation and transversal displacement of the internal conductive rod of the resonator have produced maximal influence on the sensor parameters.


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pages 827-833
