No 9




Efficiency of Doppler Frequency Compensation Systems under Conditions of Sea and Precipitation Interferences

V.I. Lutsenko and V.G. Sugak
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

The development of compensation system of the Doppler frequency shift of the reflection from the sea surface. The interference spectrum narrowing is experimentally discovered. It makes possible to improve the interference reflection factor up to 2...6 dB. It is shown that implementation of the compensation will cause the dynamic band of distribution function to compress at output of the selection filter. As a result the signal-to-noise ratio gives an additional increase from 1.5...3.5 dB to 3...8 dB for falshe alarm probability 10-2 and detection 0.9 and 0.5 respectively. The using of that selection system to the side-looking radar allows us to improve a noise suppressing and to perfect an object observativity up to 8...13 dB.


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  2. Dalshakov, A.D., Eliseev, A.A., and Lukoshkin, A.P., (1987), Processing of signals in radio engineering systems, Leningrad University Publishing House, Leningrad:400 p. (in Russian).
  3. Tikhonov, V.I., (1982), Statistical radio engineering, Radio and Svjaz, Moscow: 624 p. (in Russian).

pages 789-796
