No 4




Determination of the Allowed Frequencies of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in 2D Photonic Crystal by the Coupled Waves Method (CWM)

V.Ì. Fityo and Ya.V. Bobitski
Lvivska Polytekhnika, National University
12, Stepan Bandera St., 79013 L’viv, Ukraine
Institute of Technology at Rzeszow University
16, Ò. Ðåitan St., 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland


The paper demonstrates that at imposition of periodic boundary conditions and using the coupled waves method (CWM) which is applied previously for the analysis of diffraction of electromagnetic waves in plane 1D, grating it is possible to quickly define if the given frequency of the electromagnetic wave is allowed for propagation in a 2D photonic crystal. The problem is reduced to the problem of higher algebra on the eigen values and the eigen vectors of the kind  and to verification if the module of  is equal to one. If , the given frequency is allowed. At a calculation the dimension of vector  is equal to the doubled number of the used coupled waves  and is determined by the required accuracy of analysis. High accuracy of determination of the allowed frequencies of branches of band structure is secured at, which determines the band gap of the photonic crystal. Due to the fact that standard photonic crystals possess symmetrical spatial dependence of the dielectric constant the use of symmetry depending upon its type permits to pass on to the dimension of  vector  or  without the loss in accuracy of the analysis with simultaneous diminishing of calculation time by approximately 8 times.


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pages 319-337
