No 20




Recursive Coding: A New Fast and Simple Alternative of Arithmetical Coding

N.N. Ponomarenko and V.V. Lukin
National Aerospace University (Kharkiv Aviation Institute), 17, Chkalov St., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine

K.O. Egiazarian, and J. Astola
Institute of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, P.O.Box 553, FIN-33101, Tampere, Finland

A novel fast recursive coding technique is proposed. It operates with only integer values not longer 8 bits and is multiplication free. Recursion the algorithm is based on indirectly provides rather effective coding of symbols for very large alphabets. The code length for the proposed technique can be up to 20-30% less than for arithmetic coding and, in the worst case it is only by 1-3% larger.


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pages 1857-1863
