No 19




Amplitude Isolines and Invariants of Motion of Non-Linear Oscillatory Systems Operating in the First and Higher Zones of Parametrical Instability

N.G. Zuyev, A.M. Titarenko, and O.I. Podgaiko
Kharkiv National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics, 14, Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

The equations for amplitude isolines are obtained for the non-linear parametric system described by the Mathieu equation with cubic right-hand side part. For the linear case those equations are in line with the Mathieu zone boundaries The invariants of motion relating the amplitude and the phase of oscillations are obtained for the non-linear Mathieu equation and the dependence between the square of the amplitude and the phase is found in an explicit form for the first zone of instability as well as the dependence between the eigen time of the system and the oscillations phase is found in squiring.


  1. Zuyev, N.G., Titarenko, A.M., and Cherednikov, P.I., (1988), Investigation of non-linear oscillatory systems operating in the first and higher parametric instability zones, Problems of Non-Linear Electronics: Proc. III All-Union Scientific Research Conference, Kyiv, 1:56 (in Russian).
  2. Titarenko, A.M., Zuyev, N.G., and Cherednikov, P.I., (1985), On excitation zones of a non-linear differential equation with periodic coefficients, Trudy IRE NANU,
    21 p. (in Russian).
  3. Blaquière, O., (1969), NonlinearSystemAnalysis, Mir, Moscow: 400 p. (in Russian).
  4. Bogolyubov, N.N., and Mitropolsky, Yu.A., (1974), Asymptotic methods in the theory of nonlinear oscillations, Nauka, Moscow: 504 p. (in Russian).
  5. Korn, G., and Korn, T., (1984), Guide to Mathematics for Research Workers and Engineers, Nauka, Moscow: 832p. (in Russian).

pages 1751-1764
