No 19




Investigation of the Superconducting Microwave Transmission Line in Strong Electromagnetic Fields

A.A. Lavrinovich, E.V. Khramota, and N.T. Cherpak
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

Superconducting microwave transmission lines are analyzed based on the telegrapher’s equation for the case where the superconductor is characterized by a nonlinear resistance per unit length and inductance dependent on the power level of the input signal. Dependences of the output power and the phase-change constant on the input power are obtained for a nonlinear section of the transmission line. Comparison of the results of theoretical analysis with experimental investigations of high-temperature superconductors of a coplanar X-band transmission line has made it possible to determine the characteristic level of the input power which is phenomenologically introduced for the theoretical analysis.


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pages 1741-1750
