No 19




Electrophysical Properties of Zinc Selenide Diffusion Layers Doped with 3-D Elements from the Vapor Phase

V.P. Makhniy, O.V. Kinzerskaya, and K.S. Ul’yanitskiy
Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubynsky str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine

This paper demonstrates the possibility of doping zinc selenide crystals with 3-D elements obtained by diffusing from the vapor phase in a closed volume. It has been proven that the used transition metals (Ti, V, Mn, Fe and Co), though influencing the resistivity, do not change the polarity of conductivity of the base substrates n–ZnSe. The ionizing energy of electrically active sites in the subjects of inquiry and the diffusion coefficients of 3-D elements at the doping temperature have been determined.


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pages 1735-1739
