No 19




Sourwise Representation of the Field Green’s Function of a Circular Waveguide

S.D. Prijmenko
Institute of Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration of the National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, 1, Akademichna St., 61108 Kharkiv, Ukraine.

The singularity part of the electrical Green’s function for a circular waveguide field is singled out in an explicit form as a Green’s function for the infinite space. The problem of the Green’s function construction for a field is solved as a problem of a diffraction of tensor divergent spherical and quasispherical waves on the circular waveguide walls. Spherical and quasispherical waves correspond to the rotational and potential components of the electric field strength of a current point source. Owing to the delay effect, a potential component of the electric field intensity decreases at infinity inversely to the first degree of the distance between the source point and the observation point, unlike the Coulomb field. The analytical expressions for singular and regular parts of the tensor Green’s function and the calculation results of one of its component are given. The effective algorithm of the Green’s function calculation, which can be used for solving the singular and hypersingular integral equations in the problems of microwave techniques, electronics and accelerating techniques is developed.


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pages 1687-1701
