No 17




Research in Centimeter Radio Wave Propagation with Evaporation Duct Present

I.M. Mytsenko
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

The attenuation factor of a centimeter wavelength signal versus the path length is studied considering the evaporation duct presence in different regions of the World’s ocean. An empirical dependence has been derived between the evaporation duct height and the direct signal attenuation at different path lengths. An experimentally sampled technique is suggested to determine the attenuation factor, which is used for ship borne radar range diagnosis and prediction.


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  6. Mytsenko, I.M., Pankratov, L.S., and Khomenko, S.I., (2001), Experimental study of the range of a ship borne navigation centimeter wave radar in World’s ocean regions, Sbornik nauchn. rabot, Kharkiv. Voenn. Univer. 2(32):56-59 (in Russian).
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  10. Kostina, V.L., Mytsenko, I.M., Royenko, À.N., and Khomenko, S.I., (2007), Investigation into radio wave attenuation in the EHF range in World’s ocean regions, Radiofizika and Elektronika. 12(3):532-539 (in Russian).
  11. Mytsenko, I.M., (2006), Distance dependences of meter, decimeter and centimeter wave attenuation factor in World’s ocean regions, Radiofizika and Elektronika. 11(3):393-400 (in Russian).

pages 1503-1510
