No 2




Spectral Selection of Very-Low Frequencies Processes

Î.V. Sytnik, I.À. Vyazmitinov, Ye.I. Ìyroshnichenko, and Yu.À. Êîpylov
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

Targets selection method based on the attribute of Doppler painting of the echo-signal phase structure is considered in the paper. The concept of orthogonal decomposition of the signal and precise representation of the function upon a discrete set of points using the full system of basis functions forms up the base of the method. The algorithm for calculation of the spectral estimates upon a limited in time selection of the signal is developed. The algorithm allows calculate spectral estimates of quasi-periodic processes with typical frequencies from 0.1 to 10 Hz. Stability and noise immunity of the algorithm are investigated. It is demonstrated that unlike the known methods of spectral super-resolution the suggested method does not provide for false spectral responses at decreasing of the signal-to-noise ratio.


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pages 137-144
