No 15




Checking of Ferrite Element Parameters in Microwave Devices

V.V. Chizhov, A.A. Zvyagintsev, and A.V. Strizhachenko
V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine

This paper is the next one in the series of studies on the methods of resonance measuring and parameter checking of ferrite elements in a microwave device [1-3], that enables measuring and controlling both the electromagnetic parameters of ferrites and their magnetic “activity”. This can be achieved by measuring the loaded Q-factor and the magnitude of the operating resonance tuning of the ferrite sample in a measuring box (MB), exposed to an external magnetic bias. The properly chosen magnitude of the magnetic bias plays a significant role in the screening procedure, as it impacts the quality of measuring the ferrite tensor components and sorting of ferrite elements being parts of various types of real microwave devices. The paper offers a description of the MB design and the technique of a non-invasive screening of ferrite elements of the phased arrays (PA).


  1. Chizhov, V.V., (1996), Measuring error and parameter checking of magnetodielectrics in microwave devices, Proceeding of 6-th Conference “CriMiCo”, Sevastopol, Ukraine, pp. 22-25, (in Russian).
  2. Korobkin, V.A., Makeyev, Y.G., and Strizhachenko, A.V., (1987), Measuring box for a non-invasive screening of dielectric and ferrite substrates, Proceeding of Union Conf. “Methods and means for HF and SHF measurement”, Novosibirsk, pp.160-161 (in Russian).
  3. Korobkin, V.A., Makeyev, Y.G., and Strizhachenko, A.V., (1989), A device for a non-invasive measuring of ferrite parameters,À.S. SSSR ¹1524689 (in Russian).
  4. Korobkin, V.A., Dvadnenko, V.Y., and Velikotskiy, V.N., (1981), Investigation of a controllable higher-mode wave excitation in a rectangular waveguide of a symmetric ferrite and ferrite-dielectric structure, Izv. VUZov. Radiofizika. 24(10):1291-1292 (in Russian).
  5. Novitskiy, P.V., and Zograf, I.A., (1991), Measurement accuracy evaluation, Energoatomizdat, Leningrad: 304 p. (in Russian).

pages 1361-1367
