No 13




Radar Characteristics of Water-Surface Targets in Millimeter-Wave Band

V.I. Lutsenko, Yu.A. Pedenko, and V.B. Razskazovsky
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

Attenuation factors and radar characteristics of small-size water-surface targets (absolute cross-section (ACS), spectrum width, amplitudes and quadratures distribution functions) are provided in the paper. It is demonstrated that during calculations the standard Sverling models can be applied to the water-surface targets at the ranges, where their dimensions exceed the interference lobe width of the attenuation factor. Radar characteristics of point water-surface targets can be substantially different from standard models because in a number of cases partial or complete shadowing by the wave crests exerts influence upon their radar observation conditions.


  1. Gorobets, V.N., Kivva, F.V., Maikov, G.G., Sinitsky, V.B., and Khomenko, S.I., (1983), Some particularities of spectral characteristics of echo-signals from water-surface targets. Proceeding of IRE AS of Ukrainian SSR, Kharkiv, 29:154-165 (in Russian).
  2. Bayrashevsky, A.M., (ed.) (1971), Investigation of radar visibility of small-dimension water-surface targets at sea roughness in the centimeter and decimeter radio wave bands, Proc. of scientific research, Leningrad: 119 p. (in Russian).
  3. Williams, P.D., (1980), Medium fading of radar targets at sea with special reference to operation at 3 cm and 10 cm. Proc. IEE, 127(3):212-224.
  4. Kulemin, G.P., and Lutsenko, V.I., (1985), Particularities of backscattering of centimeter and decimeter radio waves by the sea surface at small angles of slide, Preprint. - 35 p. (in Russian).

pages 1151-1160
