No 13




“Pure” Conversion Regimes for High Order TEn,0-Modes, Effected by a Cascade of Three Strip Irises of Different Periods

V.V. Shcherbak
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine

Considered in the paper is optimization of sets of periodic or quasi-periodic thin strip irises used as mode converters in rectangular waveguides. Optimum design have been found which provide for efficient (‘pure’) energy conversion of the fundamental TE1,0 mode into higher order ones, Ten,0 with great values of n (n=4 or 5 and higher), as well as for energy exchange between two different higher order modes (TE2,0 and TE3,0). Flat-topped response functions have been obtained for the mode conversion process.


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pages 1121-1138
