No 12




Method for Transformation of Antenna Patterns Using Zone Plates

À.À. Sorokin
V. Vernadsky Tavria National University, 4, Vernadsky Ave., 95007 Simferopol, Ukraine

À.F. Sorokin and Î.V. Sokolova
V. Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Crimean Department, Evpatoria Branch 54, Kirov St., 97404 Evpatoria, Ukraine

R.N. Zaluzhny
National Center of Spacecraft Control and Testing, National Aerospace Agency of Ukraine - NSSCCT, 97419 Evpatoria, Ukraine

N.N. Gorobets
V. Karazin National University of Kharkov, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine

The method for controlling the shape of antenna patterns using the Fresnel zones fragmentation is suggested. Measurements of the horn and the helical antenna patterns are performed. Amplitude distributions of field components are obtained and analyzed in the near, intermediate and far zones for different frequency bandwidths. 3D images of the intensity, the angle and the radii for the far and near zones are built based on the experimental results.


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  2. Sorokin, À.À., Zaluzhny, R.N., and Kryzhanovsky, Ye.À., (2001), Forming of antenna patterns for the purposes of remote aerospace investigations, Third International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "The Man and the Space", Dnipropetrovsk, pp. 25-26 (in Russian).
  3. Sorokin, À.F., and Tselnik, F.À., (1977), Signal separation under availability of two partially correlating noises, Second Meeting on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics. Kharkiv, p. 14 (in Russian).
  4. Feld, Ya.N., (ed) (1950), Microwave antennas. Sov. radio, Moscow: 258 p. (in Russian).
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  6. Shishkova, À.V., and Gorobets, N.N., (2006), Oscillation of two-mode round waveguides excited by the main and higher modes simultaneously, Vestnik Kharkovskogo Un-ta.Radio Physics and Electronics. 10:56-61 (in Russian).
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pages 1039-1043
