O.V. Bagatskaya, V.I. Fesenko, and S.N. Shulga
V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

Electric Field Lines in a Rectangular Waveguide with an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Insert

The paper considers the electric field line distribution in the cross-section of a rectangular waveguide containing an inhomogeneous insert with inherent anisotropy of its electric and magnetic properties. The finite difference method has been employed for the Maxwell equation discretization for a random anisotropic medium bounded by the waveguide or resonator walls. A set of linear algebraic equations for the electric field components in the inhomogeneous anisotropic medium has been obtained and solved using the conjugate gradient technique. The research is illustrated by some computations on the electric field lines in the cross-section of the anisotropic insert in the rectangular waveguide.


D.B. Kuryliak and Z.T. Nazarchuk
Physical-Mechanical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
5, Naukova str., Lviv, 79601, Ukraine

Excitation of Axisymmetric Electromagnetic Oscillations in a System of Coaxial Finite and Truncated Cones with Different Flare Angles

A rigorous solution of the axisymmetric problem of diffraction by finite and truncated semi-infinite cones positioned coaxially, is obtained by means of the "semi-inversion" method. An analysis of electrodynamic characteristics of this structure is carried out at various flare angles of the cones. Dipole radiation resistance, energy emitted by the dipole in the conical regions and a directivity diagram are found.


Yu. A. Sirotin
Kharkov Military University, Svoboda Sq.,
6, Kharkov, 61043, Ukraine.

Identification of Radiating Object Observations

A statistical model of a flow of random different-scale observations of radiating objects for a system of several detecting-metering devices has been built using the method of the generating functional. The problem of identification of different-scale observations has been solved as a problem of suggesting and testing the statistical hypotheses concerning simultaneous detecting - resolving - metering for all obtained observations.


A.M. Gokov and O.F. Tyrnov
V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

The Ionospheric D-Region over Kharkiv during the 14 - 24 April 2002 Magnetic Storm

Using a partial reflection technique, the electron density, N, changes in the middle latitude ionospheric D-region during the 14 - 24 April 2002 magnetic storm were experimentally investigated. During the solar proton events, spe, increase by more than 50 - 100% in the electron density in the lower D-region of the ionosphere (~70 - 80 km) was observed during several tens of minutes. Estimations of the ionization rate were made. On the basis of the experimental data of electron density changes over the proton precipitation periods, corresponding fluxes were estimated, being ~106 - 107m-2sec-1.


A.G. Boev, N.M. Udaltsova, and A.A. Yantsevich1
Institute of Radio Astronomy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4, Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkov 61002, Ukraine

1Kharkov humanitarian institute of National Ukrainian academy,
27, Lermontovskaja str. Kharkov, 61000

New Io-Jupiter Connecting Mechanism
1. Longitudinal Activity of Jupiter

New Io-Jupiter connecting mechanism is offered. The mechanism more completely takes into account the observation data of a magnetic field on the Jupiter's surface and motion of the feet of the Io's tube (FIT) obtained by spacecrafts. The present article represents the first stage of the study and explains longitudinal activity of Jupiter. According to the data from the spacecrafts "Pioneer-10,11", "Voyager-1,2", "Ulysses" the longitudinal maps of velocities of motion of the Northern and Southern FIT, longitudinal distributions of electric fields induced by motion of FIT in the Jupiter's ionosphere are plotted. It is shown, that decametric activity of Jupiter in certain longitudes can be related to the effect of electron "running away" and formation of electron beams in these longitudes. The beams move in the direction of the Io and are able to generate decametric radiation.
