A.E. Svezhentsev
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine

Modeling a Periodic Array of Radiators on a Cylindrical Surface

Excitation of a periodic phased array, consisting of a finite number N of radiating elements is considered. The array elements are placed on a circular dielectric substrate surrounding a metal circular cylinder. The structure is excited by N plane waves that are incident in phase on the array elements. An integral equation has been derived for the surface current density on the radiating elements. An efficient algorithm is suggested for computing the Rernel of the integral equation (Green's function). The basic ides of the approach consists in specifying explicit forms of the Green's function singularity on the source and the contribution from surface waves. As a result, the remaining part of Green's functions can be efficiently computed numerically.


A.I. Kozar
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine

Electromagnetic Wave Scattering in a Waveguide Containing Homogeneous Magnetodielectric Spheres

A solution is suggested for the problem of electromagnetic wave scattering by an arbitrary number of small resonant-size spheres in a rectangular waveguide. Expressions have been derived for the scattered fields.


Yu.V. Prokopenko and Yu.F. Filippov
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine

Influence of the Finite Conductivity of the End Walls on the Spectrum and Power Characteristics of the Anisotropic Dielectric Circular-Disk Resonator

High-Q oscillations in a lengthwise-anisotropic dielectric resonator with imperfectly conducting end walls have been investigated. Spectral characteristics of these oscillations have been examined using the integral equation obtained by the authors. A cylindrical anisotropic dielectric resonator with the end walls made from a high-temperature superconductor monocrystal, has been studied.


N.I. Ayzatsky and Ye.Yu. Kramarenko
National Scientific Center "Kharkov Physical and Technological Institute",
1, Academicheskaya St., Kharkov, 61108, Ukraine

Coupled Oscillator Model in Theory of Layered Dielectric

The original boundary value problem is reduced to the infinite system of linear algebraic equations of the second kind in the form (I+H)x=b, x,bºl2, with operator H which is compact in l2. The eigenfrequency spectrum corresponding to axially symmetric, electric-type oscillations of a sphere with circular hole has been calculated. The action of resonant regimes (intermode coupling in particular) on the structure scattering properties has been studied.


I.Yu. Vorgul and A.V. Vorgul
V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
Solving Electrodynamics Problems in Time-Varying Media: Different Approaches Based on the Integral Equation

A number of approaches to solving the problems of electromagnetic field transformation in the media with time-varying parameters are proposed. These approaches are based on rigorous and approximate solution of the integral equation for the field in such media. Examples of application for various temporal variations of medium conductivity are given.


A.A. Barannik, Yu.V. Prokopenko, T.A. Smirnova, Yu.F. Filipov, and N.T. Cherpak
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
A Quasi-Optical Dielectric Ring-Resonator With Conducting Endplates

The characteristic equation for complex frequencies of a two-layered (along radius) quasi-optical dielectric resonator with conducting endplates has been obtained. In a particular case of an inner hole in the dielectric cylinder, the experimental dependences of the resonator eigen frequencies on the radius of the hole are given for the eight-millimeter wave band. The frequency spectrum evolution of "whispering gallery" waves in the spectrum of a dielectric ring-waveguide is shown. A good coincidence of theoretical and experimental data is obtained for EH- and HE-oscillations in a teflon resonator.


V.K.Kiseliov and S.V.Mizrakhi
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Quasi-Optical Sectional Waveguide Taper for Submillimeter Wave Band

The results of development and researching of the sectional waveguide taper (SWT) intended for mating quasi-optical tract executed on the basis of transmission line in the kind of "hollow dielectric waveguide" (HDW) with wideband acoustooptics receiver (AOR) have been presented. SWT ensures transmission of electromagnetic energy from HDW to OAR in a broad band frequencies 600 - 900 GHz with small enough losses at essential (up to 23%) reduction in the taper length comparatively with appropriate linear taper at saving manufacturability and lowcost.


V.I. Gomozov, A.V. Gomozov and S.V.Titov
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
Space-, Phase- and Frequency-Based Control of Signal Focusing in Planar Phased Arrays with a Discrete V-Shaped Distribution of Carrier Frequencies

The existing methods of electromagnetic radiation focusing in antennas have been classified in accordance to the parameters used to control the current distribution across the aperture. In this paper the electromagnetic field pattern of a uniform phased array is analyzed for a discrete, V-shaped distribution of carrier frequencies over the aperture. The results of mathematical modeling of the field pattern from the phased array show this kind of space-, phase- and frequency-based control to allow generating s sequence of localized focused space- and time-pulsed, both in the far and near zone of the antenna.


V. A. Doroshenko and Y.K. Semenova
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine

Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by a Cone with Longitudinal Slots and a Solid Conic Screen Inside

A numerical-analytical solution of the problem of exitation of an unlimited perfectly conducting biconical surface is considered. Surface consists of both a cone with periodical longitudinal slots and an internal solid conical screen. The effects of slots and solid cone on the Fourier coefficient of the electromagnetic field components and the scattering patterns are discussed. The obtained results are in good agreement with previously recognized ones for solid bicone structure.


V.V. Ovsyanikov, A.V. Reuta, and Ye.P. Beznosova
Dnepropetrovsk National University,
12, Nauchnaya St., Dnepropetrovsk, 49050, Ukraine
Analysis and Optimization of a Two-Frequency Turnstile Radiator with Impedance Elements in the Branches

A two-frequency turnstile radiator with impedance elements in the form of long-line sections integrated into the radiating branches has been designed and experimentally tested. The analysis and the optimization of radiator's parameters are based on the equivalent long line technique and the method of integral equation using mathematical programming.


V.Yu. Murashev, A.V. Kublik, I.A. Sukhoivanov
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine

Calculation of Four-Wave Mixing Power Arising in Fiber-Optic Communication Lines with Wavelength-Division Multiplexing

The ways of calculating the four-wave mixing power arising in fiber-optic transmission lines are considered and analyzed. The power of four mixing can be calculated using the given relations at the design stage.


A.I. Filipenko
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
Determining of Refractive Index Profile of Optical Fibers from Measured Intensity in Near-Field Zone

Procedure is considered of determining of refractive index profile of optical fibers from measured radiation intensity in near-field zone. Setup for realization of the near-field zone method contains optical system, CCD photosensor , A to D converter, and control computer. Measured values are averaged from results of 10 measurements, are normalized and smoothed out to exclude high-frequency noise. Then the intensity is used in wave equation for calculation of refractive index profile. Methods are studied of elimination of perturbing factor influence on near-field zone intensity; the methods include smoothing out of measured spatial intensity with the use of least square technique based on the orthogonal Laguerre functions and on the use of the Butterworth low-pass filter.

G. V. Pevtsov and D. A. Kolisnichenko

Quality Indexes for Optimization of the Multifunction Wireless Devices

In this paper it is shown, that the dominant problem is selection of quality indexes on optimizing the multifunctional systems and devices. Paper deals with the developed method to determine the quality indexes of multifunctional devices as part of systems.


V.A. Omel'chenko, V.V. Balabanov and B.M. Bezruk
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
Multicriterion Problem on Detection of Unknown Random Signals Using the Spectral Method


D.V. Bondar, A.N. Zelenin, and A.I. Kostromitsky
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
The Analysis of the Active Corrector of Frequency Characteristics

The active filter on the operational amplifier with a rejection link based on the series-connected oscillatory circuit is analyzed. The ratios, with which the transfer function of a link is close to a transfer function of the Bode corrector, has been obtained. The technique of calculation of the active filter is offered.


V.A. Abdulkàdyrov, E.M. Khutoryan, and A.I. Tsvyk
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Interaction of a Plane Electromagnetic Wave with a Semiconductor-Dielectric Structure Containing a Diffraction Grating

The interaction of a plane electromagnetic wave with a semiconductor-dielectric structure containing à diffraction grating is investigated. The reflection and transmission coefficients have been obtained for the structure. Results of a numerical experiment are presented.


Yu.O. Averkov and V.M. Yakovenko
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Excitation of Surface Electromagnetic Wave Pulses by Electron Bunches Intersecting a Metal-Dielectric-Semiconductor Structure

Transition radiation of surface electromagnetic pulses by a nonrelativistic electron bunch crossing a metal-dielectric-semiconductor structure has been investigated. The bunch is a rotation ellipsoid with uniform distribution of charge over the volume density and it moves along the normal to the structure from the direction of the metal. The dissipation of the radiation energy in the semiconductor is taken into account. It has been shown that the spectrum of transition radiation of surface waves has the form of a sequence of fast-decreasing oscillations. The appearance of maxima of the radiation spectrum density is stipulated by the fulfillment of some resonant ratios between the width of the dielectric layer, sizes of the bunch, the radiation wavelength, and the Van Kampen wavelength. It has been found that there are such values of the width of the dielectric layer at that the pulse energy and the coefficient of efficiency being equal to the ratio of the pulse energy to the total kinetic energy of electrons in the bunch, have the maximal vales.


O.V. Zemlyaniy and K.A. Lukin
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Correlation-Spectral Properties of Chaos in the Nonlinear Dynamical System with Delayed Feedback and Asymmetric Nonlinear Map

In this paper the nonlinear dynamical system with delayed feedback is investigated by means of numerical methods. The nonlinearity is presented by asymmetric 1-D map. The relation between correlation-spectral characteristics of chaos and nonlinear map properties was found. The obtained results can be used for development of RF-band chaos generators with prescribed statistical properties of output signal.


A.A. Manko
Kiev Communications Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
Measurement of the Frequency Switching Time of Microwave Oscillators

Results of measurements of frequency switching time of the solid-state SHF generators and description of the measurement equipment are given. The principles of its performance in different modes are outlined.


A.F. Velichko, D.A. Velichko, and V.M. Shokalo
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
Spatial-Temporal Filtering in Precision Radio-Engineering Systems of Technical Diagnostics

The new, retransmission method of precision radio engineering systems operation is developed and offered. This method is intended for system operation in such conditions, when the main contribution to measurement errors is made by intensive interfering reflections from extraneous objects. The mathematical model of the offered system is created. The system orientation functions are studied experimentally, the data on measurement precision of various control-measuring devices are given.


O.A. Remayeva, Ye.V. Remayev, and G.K. Snurnikova
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
State-owned Research and Industrial Association [SRIA] "Metrology",
42, Mironositskaya St., 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine
Kharkov State Economic University
Error Estimate in Refraction Corrections for the Space Object Coordinates determined by Electromagnetic Waves

Errors in determination of refraction corrections to the data of satellite position measurement methods based on "the mapping functions" considering dependence of corrections on the zenith angle of an observed object, are studied. It is displayed that ignoring of the finitude of an object altitude at the development of these functions can result in an error in determination of the path refraction curvature from few millimeters to tens centimeters in the zenith angles range 80…90 . The error in refraction angle determination for the same range of the zenith angles can amount to from few tens seconds to hundreds ones. A simple method of significant decrease of these errors is proposed.


Yu.Ye. Gordienko and A.Yu. Panchenko
Kharkov National University of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
14, Lenin Ave, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
Modulation Conversions of Information Signals in Resonance Gauges of Parameters of Objects and Mediums

Quantization errors, which appear at signals processing in resonance gauges constructed according to various functional schemes, are analyzed. Estimation of amount of information is carried out. Necessity of usage of criterion at designing of information measuring systems is shown. The advantages of modulation circuits of signal processing in resonance gauges are shown.
