A.A. Mogila and K.A. Lukin
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine

Interrelations between One - and Two-Parametrer Representations of Random Signals of Finite Energy

An interrelation is established between one- and two-parameter orthogonal representations of random signals of finite energy, which is used to relate one- and two-parameter representations of signal realizations and correlation functions of the representation components. The mathematical formalism of Hilbert spaces of random processes over the Hilbert space of realizations is used for the purpose, as well as the methods of random process energy theory. Energy characteristics of one- and two-parameter representations of random signals in arbitrary orthonormal bases are analyzed and the interrelation between these characteristics is obtained.


V.A. Buts* and V.A. Chatskaya**
*Kharkov Physical Engineering Institute
**V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

Stochastic Instability of the High-Frequency Eigen Waves in Ferrite

It is shown that the ferrite's high-frequency eigen waves are excited in the case of low-frequency random modifications of ferrite parameters. The excitation takes place as a result of development of stochastic parametrical instability. The considered mechanism of excitation of these high-frequency waves is rather general and has opened up a new way to transform energy of low-frequency oscillations to energy of high-frequency waves. In addition, the considered mechanism allows one to transform energy of noise oscillations to energy of a coherent radiation.


V.F. Kravchenko and V.A. Rvachev

The Use of Atomic Functions for Solving Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics

The use of a new tool of mathematical analysis, so-called atomic functions, for solving boundary value problems for elliptic type partial differential equations arising in different areas of mathematical physics is considered; attention is given to spatial problems in complex-shaped domains; new methods based on atomic functions which allow us to obtain the approximate solutions with a high order of accuracy, and small time and memory expenditures, are proposed.


S.V. Butakova and R.V. Vorobyov
Kharkov Aerospace Institute
The Electrodynamics Criterion for Smoothness

Incidence of E-(H-) waves and a randomly polarized wave on the aperture of a V-shaped and trapezoidal grove is considered. Based on the skin-effect theory the electrodynamics criterion dependent upon the geometrical parameters of unevenness and electric properties of a material is obtained. The results gained by calculating the integrated hemispherical reflection factor are corroborated by experimental data on a molybdenum surface having a different degree of roughness and being heated to a definite temperature.


I.K. Kuzmichev
A. Usikov Institute for Radiophisics and Electronics Natonal Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academiccian Proskura St., Kharkov, 61085, Ukraine

The Probe Diameter Choosing for the Investigation of the Field Distribution in the Small Aperture Open resonator

The scatter probe diameters which provide the graphical coincidence of the calculated and measured field distributions have been chosen experimentally for various values of the loaded Q-factor of a resonance system 300 < Ql < 3000 typical for the small aperture open resonators. The equation that determines the dependence between the probe diameter and Ql has been obtained with the approximation method using its an example.


O.N. Sukhoruchko, B.B. Bulgakov, A.I. Fisun, and O.I. Belous
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Parametric Amplification of Signals in the Short-Wave Part of MM Wave Band

A range of semiconductor two-stage parametric amplifiers that integrate a quasi-optical pumping generator have been developed to be used in the input component of communication and navigation systems for the short-wave part of the millimeter band. In the 60 to 65 GHz range, the gain at a -3 dB level is no worse than 15 dB in between 1 and 1.6 GHz. The noise temperature is no higher than 600K when the pumping generator employs a quasi-optical IMPATT oscillator.


A.V.Zorenko, A.E.Koloshinsky*, and V.E.Chaika
Scientific Research Institute “Orion”, Kiev, Ukraine,
*Kiev National Technical University, Kiev, Ukraine
An Active Frequency Converter Based on an IMPATT Diode in the Short-Wave Part of the Millimeter Wave Band

Theoretical and experimental studies of an up-converter in the two-millimeter wave band based on Si DDR IMPATT diode have been carried out. The possibility of converting the frequency in the active regime with small losses and linear dependence of the output power on the power of a low-frequency signal is demonstrated.


A.V.Zorenko, A.V.Bludov, T.V.Kritskaya, and V.E.Chaika*
Scientific Research Institute “Orion”, Kiev, Ukraine,
*Kiev National Technical University, Kiev, Ukraine
A Frequency Multiplier-Converter Based on an Impact Avalanche Transit-Time Diode

The dependence of the output power and conversion coefficient for a multiplier-converter based on a controllable avalanche breakdown of the transit-time microwave diode on the adjustment of the external circuit and operating conditions, has been investigated. The possibility has been shown to multiply the frequency by 20 times with 18-dB loss of the output frequency in the short-wave part of the millimeter wave band.


S.A. Zuev, V.V. Starostenko, and A.A. Shadrin
Tavriya National University,
4, Yaltinskaya St., Simpheropol, 95022, Ukraine
A Calculation Model for Submicron Field-Effect Transistors Based on GaAs

Model of the field-effect transistor with the Schottky gate is presented in paper. The size of heterogeneities is comparable with the Debye wave-length of carriers and typical frequencies is comparable with dissipation times. The model describes reliably processes in the semiconductor devices and has found practical use.


Ξ.V. Botsula and E.D. Prokhorov
V. Karazin Kharkov National University,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

Special Features of a Joint Operation of the Resonant-Tunnel Diode and Gunn Diode

The operation of a series-connected resonant-tunnel diode and Gunn diode in the resonance circuit is considered. The current-voltage characteristics of diode combination have the peculiarities which lead to a current jump as the voltage increases or decreases at the diodes. The peculiarities of the current-voltage characteristics and current jump are analyzed for the different lengths of the Gunn diodes which determine the current waveform of the diodes in the resonance circuit. It is shown that the oscillation can occurs in the millimeter wave band at the certain ratios of the parameters of resonant-tunnel and Gunn diodes due to the resonance tunneling and intervalley electron transfer. When joint operation of such diodes there are two generation regions: at the sacrifice of the resonance tunneling and intervalley electron transfer. In these regions the generation is possible at multiple frequencies.


O.V. Botsula and E.D. Prokhorov
V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine
Tunnel n+-D-n+ Cathode for Gunn Diode

The operation of n+-D-n+ Gunn diode with a dielectric based on wide-gap Al0.2Ga0.8As semiconductor was examined. The model is suggested allowing the diode oscillation mode to be analyzed. The peculiarities of electron transfer and current instability are scrutinized. The energy characteristics of diode operation in the centimeter range are estimated. The perspectives of diode use are outlined.


V.V. Danilov
Donetsk National University
24, Universitetskaya St., 83055 Donetsk, Ukraine

Data Transformation at Acoustooptical Interaction

The results of investigation of a process of transformation of RF signals into their acoustic and further into light clones in the form of a diffracted distortion-free laser bundle at acouctooptical interaction are presented.


O.V. Sytnik
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
An Algorithm for Adaptive Correction of Radar Images

Problems are considered of construction of adaptive algorithms for synthesizing of radar images of underlying surface from signals of coherent airborne radar. Algorithm is proposed pertaining to class of self-adjusting algorithms in which information on trajectory errors is extracted directly from reflected signal. Slant-distance averaged estimate of shift of the Doppler-spectrum on synthesizing interval and higher derivatives of the estimate are used as information parameters. This allows to automatically correct images caused by carrier flight-velocity errors and to take into account errors caused by disregarded acceleration and by rate of change of the acceleration. Results are presented of signals processing of coherent synthetic-aperture radar (SAR). Characteristic properties are considered of operation of proposed algorithm under various conditions.


N.M. Kalyuzhny, S.N. Alexandrov, and E.E. Asanov
Kharkiv Military University
General Provisions for the Procedure of Masked Ranging Using Single-Station Passive-Active Means of Air Targets Identification

A passive sensing of radio signal source is proposed as a basic mode of operation for the passive-active radars. The active mode can be further used for measuring the distance to target.


N.N. Grigorieva*, S.P. Sirenko, V.G. Shakhbazov*, B.M. Bulgakov, A.I. Fisun, and O.I Belous
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
*V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

Influence of Low-Intensity EHF Fields on Electrophoretic Mobility of Human Cell Nuclei: Polarization Effects

Experiment was performed the millimeter wave irradiation of the cells of human buccal epithelium. It was found that the irradiation of the cells brings about the charges in the nuclei electroforetic mobility. The right-hand polarized waves are more effective compared to the left-hand and linearyly polarized waves.


S.V. Gatash and L.D. Styopin
V. Karazin National University of Kharkov,
4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

The Dielectric Permittivity of Disordered Dispersion Systems with Particles of Different Shapes and Structures

A theoretical study of the dielectric permittivity of dispersion systems has been performed for the cases of various shapes of particles. An approximation has been considered in which it is possible to spread permitting the spread of the theory of the additive contribution of dispersive and dispersion phases to the case of a large volumetric fraction of impurities. The equation describing the dielectric permittivity of particles of a heterogeneous structure has been derived. The developed theoretical aspects and experimental data have been used to determine the dielectric permittivity inside medium of erythrocytes and to estimate the amount of bound and free water inside a cell.
