M.Yu. Demchenko, V.K. Korneenkov, V.S. Miroshnichenko, A.Ye. Poyedinchuk, Yu.V. Svishchev, and Yu.A. Tuchkin
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine

An Open Resonator with a Rectangular Groove on the Mirror: Theory and Experiment

An open resonator with a rectangular groove on the plane mirror is considered as a model of the open resonant system of the diffraction radiation oscillator. The numerical simulations performed for E-polarized wave incidence on the groove and resulting in the resonant spacing, diffraction quality, and modal field distribution are validated by comparison with the full-scale experiment.


S. D. Priymenko and L. À. Bondarenko
Institute for Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration, National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”,
1 Academicheskya St., Kharkov, 61108, Ukraine

Uncoupled Impedance Antenna in Circular Waveguide

An approximate analytical solution of the problem on the current distribution along the uncoupled linear impedance antenna in the circular waveguide under arbitrary conditions of antenna excitation and orientation is found using the method of averaging. The relationship between the symmetric and antisymmetric components of the current is taken into account in a single form for both the resonance and nonresonance events. The expression for the characteristic antenna resistance is obtained and dispersion equation for the antenna is found. The results of current calculation and the numerical and experimental values of the resonance frequency of the antenna are given.


Yu.M. Penkin
National Pharmaceutics University of Kharkov
47, Pushkinskaya St., Kharekov, 61002, Ukraine

Excitation of Cylindrical Volumes with Impedance Butt-End Boundaries Using Longitudinal Currents

The Green functions of electric and magnetic types for the Hertz vector potentials are obtained for cylindrical volumes (including rectangular ones) with butt-end plane boundaries, having surface impedance. The half-infinite structures and cavities are considered for the case of exitation by longitudinal currents.


R.I. Belous, Yu.G. Makeev, S.P. Martynyuk, and A.P. Motornenko
Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12. Academician Proscura St.. Kharkov 61085. Ukraine

Characteristics of Magnetic Type Oscillations in Waveguide-Coaxial Resonator

Theoretical and experimental investigations of the eigen frequencies and unloaded Q-factors of the magnetic types of oscillations of a waveguide-coaxial resonator are presented. Numerical results are obtained for the fundamental H111-mode, depending on the resonator parameters. It is shown that the calculated and experimental data are well correlated.


I.L. Afonin
Sebastopol State Technical University
Relations between the projection angles of the wave normals at the dielectric media interface

Structure of electromagnetic field in the strip-line waveguide is presented using relation between the spatial angles of the propagation directions of the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves.


K.A. Lukin, A.A. Mogyla, Yu.A. Aleksandrov, and T.K. Lukina
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Performance Evaluation of Noise Radar by the Ambiguity Function Method

An analytical relation for the ambiguity function of sampling from the narrowband stationary ergodic noise signal has been derived. An algorithm for experimental estimation of the ambiguity function of this signal using a simulator of uniform, straight-line motion of a point target. A vibrating corner reflector was used as a simulator. The measuring setup was developed to estimate the range resolution and the accuracy of range and radial velocity measurement using the considered type of signals as sounding ones. These estimates were made by means of the ambiguity function. They are shown to have the same values both for separate and simultaneous measurements.


V.K. Kiselyov, A.V. Kiselyov, V.A. Klimko, T.M. Kushta, and P.K. Nesterov
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
The Quasi-Optical Waveguide Modeling Method for the Measurements of Scattering Matrix Elements in the Near-Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Bands

A possibility of applying the quasi-optical waveguide modeling (QWM) method in an effort to look into the polarization characteristics of backward scattering from physical objects or their scale models under the laboratory conditions over the near-millimeter and submillimeter e.m. spectrum region has been experimentally substantiated. It is exactly with the aim of implementing this particular method that a quasi-optical polarimetric microcompact range (PMCR) based on a circular hollow dielectric beamguide (HDW), quasi-optical and waveguide devices and channel components have been developed. The measurement data on the amplitude and phase backscattering patterns of a standard object have been gained using the PMCK in different polarization bases over the 4-mm wave band. Additionally, for comparison purpose the respective theoretically grounded numerical modeling data featuring the QWM method potential are likewise presented.


M.M. Golovko, G.P. Pochanin, and V.O. Kovalenko
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Representation of the Results of a Subsurface Video-Pulse Sounding

Basic methods are described of data representation in subsurface video-pulse sounding systems (georadars). Suggestions are made concerning information-visualization methods improvement, automatic result interpretation and software creation for the georadars. Basic characteristics, possibilities and improvement lines are presented for visualization and processing of subsurface sounding data.


A.A. Zelensky, G.P. Kulemin, A.A. Kurekin, V.V. Lukin, and O.V. Tsymbal
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Modified Vector Sigma-Filter for the Processing of Multichannel Radar Images and Increasing Reliability of its Interpretation

A modified vector sigma-filter (MVSF) is presented designed for the processing of multichannel radar images. Based on the standard filtration quality-estimation criteria it is shown that the modification ensures a compromise between the basic properties of the filter. Having a sufficient stability as to disturbances, the MVSF allows substantially suppressing the multiplicative noise and ensuring the preservation of boundaries and of small-sized objects even at relative feeble contrasts. On the test images it is shown that, when evaluating the erodibility of a soil without vegetation, the use of the MVSF (instead of its scalar analog and original image classification) leads to the increase of the accuracy of remote-sensing data classification.


A.G. Pivovarova and B.K. Skrynnik
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine

Feed Efficiency of an Open Resonator of the Diffraction Radiation Oscillator

The diffraction radiation feed efficiency into an open resonator as part of the diffraction radiation oscillator (DRO) is calculated with due regard for the DRO working parameters. The calculation method uses the measure of proximity of the distribution functions that the resonator established oscillation power and the electron beam given-off power hold on the interaction space. The beam given-off power is worked out by means of discrete interaction model in terms of space-charge forces.


M.Yu. Demchenko, V.K. Korneenkov, and B.K. Skrynnik
A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
The Small-Volume Diffraction Radiation Oscillator

Diffraction radiation oscillator (DRO) is presented in which the intermirror distance is the one wavelength or half-wavelength in the small-volume open resonator (OR). The design and primary characteristics are considered. The oscillator of the kind is shown to have a number of its points, such as extended electronic tuning range and sparse spectrum of oscillation. And the most benefit is brought by the enhanced beam-field interaction, resulting in doubling the oscillation power at the same feed.


M.V. Glumova, M.D. Vorobyov, and V.V. Starostenko
Tavriya National University,
Yaltinskaya 4, Simpheropol, 95022

The Development and Investigation of a Numerical Dynamic Model of Vacuum-Tube Devices

A numerical dynamic model is developed for axially symmetric cathode-ray tubes. Its operating capacity is proved by the simulation of an elementary component of the cathode-ray tube (CRT), a diode cell, and by the juxtaposing of the results calculated with the help of the model with known analytic relationships and experimental data. The possibilities of the model are shown when performing computing experiments. In particular, the influence of edge effects on the volt-ampere characteristics (VACs) in the elementary cell was studied. A method is developed for the calculation of the fluctuation characteristics of electron beams.


I. N. Bondarenko
Kharkov Institute of Military Aerospace Power
Coherent Heterodyne Signal Forming with the Help of a High-Q Cryogen Resonator

V.N.Derkach1, S.V. Nedukh1, A.G.Ravlik2, S.T. Roschenko2, I.G.Shipkova2, and S.I.Tarapov1,3
1A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine;
2National Technical University ”Kharkov Polytechnical Institute”,
21 Frunze St., 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine;
3Gebze Institute of Technology,
P.K. 141, 41400, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey
High Frequency Properties of Co/Cu Multilayer Structures in Millimeter Wavelengths Band

The results of investigations (ferromagnetic resonance response and the non-resonance one) of n magnetic Co/Cu multilayers in frequency bands 20-80 GHz and 140 GHz are presented. It is shown that the magnetization saturation of the structure under study depends on the Cu-interlayers thickness. The high-frequency magnetoimpedance behavior in the structures under study at weak external magnetic field has been analyzed. Rather small magnetic hysteresis of transmission coefficient has been revealed. It is shown that the module of high-frequency impedance demonstrates the weak dependence on the frequency at millimeter wavelength band.


Yu.A.Bogdanov1, V.I.Voronin2, V.N.Uvarov3, and A.M.Chernyakov2
1Research Institute for Transcription, Translation and Replication
3, Kolomenskaya St., Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
2Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases
20, Krasnoshkolnaya naberezhnaya, Kharkov, 61125, Ukraine
3A. Usikov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Academician Proskura St., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Electromagnetic Manifestation of Geodynamic Objects of Earth Crust

Linkage is investigated between geologic structure of the bowers of the Earth and impulse electromagnetic radiation (EMR) at daytime surface of Earth. Comparison between transmittances of lithosphere-atmosphere boundary for acoustic oscillations and electromagnetic oscillations allows to conclude that the EMR is more informative. A mechanism is suggested of arising of acousto-electromagnetic radiation from Earth interior at brittle-plastic deformation as a result of relaxation of tectonic-origin mechanical stresses. Use of the mechanism permits to explain existence of stable correlation between local impulse EMR at daytime surface and active depth-fault structures. Based on comparison between characteristic propagation-length of radiation and seismic data about fault-formations depth of attenuation, conclusion is made about existence of seismically invisible traces of fault structures that extend to daytime surface.
