Magnetic component field strength sensor for short pulse electromagnetic waves.


The receiving antenna - Hertzian magnetic dipole is designed in the form of a loop with a diameter of 40mm, that is loaded on the series pair of transformers with the input resistance 2W. The signal from the output transformer windings comes to the input of the differential amplifier with the input resistance ZL =500W.


The antenna reaction toward the electromagnetic field pulse in the TEM-chamber is shown.



The following characteristics of the receiving antennas have been obtained:


· time of rise (droop) of received signal - 2ns;

· duration of received signal at 0.1 Umax - 10ns;

· the sensitivity 2 mV/(V/m).


Detail description of antenna is published in


·        A.A.Orlenko, P.V.Kholod "A Sensor of the H-Component of Pulse Electromagnetic Field of Nanosecond Duration" // 3rd International Conference “Antenna Theory and Techniques”, Sevastopol’, Ukraine, September 8-11, 1999, Proc. pp. 133-134 (in Russian).