Electric component field strength sensor for short pulse electromagnetic waves.

The receiving antenna has a shape of rhombus with diagonals 60mm x 48mm and is made of a metal plate with a slit along the short diagonal, placed on a substrate of Plexiglas  at a distance of 40mm from the frame of the output converter.

The antenna reaction toward the electromagnetic field pulse in the TEM-chamber is shown.


The following characteristics of the receiving antennas have been obtained:

·time of rise (droop) of received signal - 2ns;

· duration of received signal at 0.1 Umax - 10ns;

· flash at the fore and back fronts does not exceed 0.1 Umax;

· the sensitivity 0.48 V/(A/m).

The experimental investigations indicate that the designed receiving antennas are suitable for receiving video pulse electromagnetic fields with an exact following of their form. The results agree quite well with the theoretical predictions, which can be grounds for further development of other types of antennas having different sizes, geometry and working frequency band.


Detail description of antenna is published in


·         A. Orlenko, P. Kholod "Sensor for video pulse electromagnetic fields of nanosecond duration." Proc. of the Second International Conference on Antenna theory and Techniques, Kyiv, Ukraine 20-22 May, 1997 (in Russian).