Associate member of NASU, D.Sc.
               Tel. (+38-057)720 35 53
               E-mail: ganap@ire.kharkov.ua


Research on:


  • regular and stochastic phenomena in condensed media by using new electromagnetic and hypersonic methods,

  • investigation of fundamental absorption of microwaves in condensed media by a super-high-Q anisotropic dielectric spherical resonator,

  • investigation of quantum chaos phenomenon in electromagnetic and hypersonic hamiltonian systems,

  • development of methods of mutual representation of beam dynamics in bounded anisotropic media and isotropic hamiltoniam systems,

  • investigation of non-linear dynamics of solid-state dissipative systems excited by the microwave range electromagnetic and acoustic fields,

  • investigations of elastic and electromagnetic properties of antiferromagnetic and weak ferromagnetics,

  • fundamental problems of the nature of magneto-elastic interaction in this material,

  • investigation of mutual conversion of the high-frequency electromagnetic and ultrasonic fields in solid states.


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