Head: Nikolay N. Beletsky
Tel. (+38-057)720 35 83
Research on:
resonance quasi-optical systems with dispersive
components; new theoretical approach to the investigation of open
resonators based on the waveguide model and the generalized scattering
matrix technique,
solid-state amplifiers and converters with quasi-optical
oscillating systems in the mm and sub-mm wavelength ranges,
quasi-optical Gunn- and IMPATT-diode sources having high
stability and low level of frequency noise to be used in coherent power
microwave and mm-wave equipment for biomedical research
and applications based on the ultra-wideband irradiation of biological
objects and account of their reaction,
mm-wave dielectric metrology for investigation of the hydration features
of biological objects,
elaboration of practical microwave treatment techniques
for the medical applications.
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