Head: Sergey I. Tarapov
            Professor, Dr.Sc.
            Tel. (+38-057)720 34 63
            Fax: (+38-057)315 21-05
            E-mail: tarapov@ire.kharkov.ua


Research on:


  • study of fundamental interactions in disordered magnets, magnetic nanosrtructures (layered, granular, wire-shaped etc.) by the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique at temperatures of 150-0.3 K and frequencies of 10, 25-150 GHz,

  • study of spin-depended properties and epiphenomena in magnetic metal and semiconductor (both semimagneitc and ferromagnetic ones) nanostructures and junctions by ESR technique,

  • experimental magnetophotonics for Extra High Frequency (EHF) band,

  • research of bulk and surface EHF-properties of multicomponent magnetic semiconductors by the ESR-technique, using disturbed total internal reflection tools,

  • dielectrometry of low-loss materials at temperatures 300-0.5 K and frequencies 60-150 GHz,

  • nondestructive defectoscopy of radio-transparent materials,

  • design of special compact antenna (including patch-antenna) systems for application in millimeter and microwave bands,

  • Development of methods and tools of magnetoresonance and non-resonance spectroscopy of GHz-THz frequency bands for low and superlow temperatures.


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