Head: Petr N. Melezhik

            Associate member of NASU, D.Sc.

            Tel. (+38-057)315 20 09

            E-mail: melezhik@ire.kharkov.ua


Research on:

  • diffraction theory and interaction between the waves of different nature in the scatterers of the resonant size. Development of new methods of analytical regularization of the boundary-value problems of the theory of wave diffraction by the curved open-metal screens, locally non-homogeneous dielectric, plasma-like and chiral scatterers,

  • investigation of the phenomena of interaction, transformation, conversion and bifurcation of the electromagnetic field modes in the complicated open electromagnetic structures, including the case of parameter located near a critical point of the dispersion equation,

  • development of non-stationary non-linear dynamics of highly dispersive media,

  • elaboration of new approaches to the development of the mm and sub-mm wavebands by using open resonators and waveguides in transmission lines, feeds, antenna systems, etc,

  • development of the vacuum diffraction electronics, in particular, design and research on the mm and sub-mm waveband orotron sources (generators of diffraction radiation).


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